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Amplify Feedback with Continuous Performance

One of the cornerstones of a successful business in today’s digital environment is ensuring that web application performance is user-friendly and runs smoothly. A well-oiled website and its applications represent the face of a company, and in an ideal scenario, they serve as a mark of reliability, innovation, and progress.

Azure CDN announced by Microsoft

On May 7th 2018 Microsoft released a preview version of their own CDN under the name "Azure CDN". It will join Akamai and Verizon(Edgecast) in Azure, their cloud platform. Interestingly its the only cloud provider that resells third-party CDN services. Their direct competitors Google and Amazon both offer CDN services exclusively built on their own infrastructure.

Five worthy reads: Is IT Ops at the brink of a digital revolution?

A wave of digital transformation is rolling in—a wave of universal connectivity, personalization, and adoption of intelligent technologies that many organizations have never navigated before. Adopting digital technologies often entails restructuring business verticals and scaling up data processing. One such vertical, IT operations (IT Ops), is finding it challenging to manually handle and process huge volumes of complex data.

Distributed Tracing with Zipkin and ELK

While logs can tell us whether a specific request failed to execute or not and metrics can help us monitor how many times this request failed and how long the failed request took, traces help us debug the reason why the request failed, or took so long to execute by breaking up the execution flow and dissecting it into smaller events.

The fastest, most direct route to instrumented code: a Honeycomb Beeline

If you’re feeling too busy or overwhelmed to instrument your code, we are here for you. We’ve talked many times about the value of instrumentation, and how it’s necessary to instrument your code properly to have access to the kind of data you need to get real observability. Instrumenting your code can mean a lot of things, but in particular it means you have to augment it in many different places, which is time-consuming.

Up 0.6.0-IAM Policies, Git Versioning, Deployment History, and more

Just a quick post highlighting some of the changes made since Apex Up v0.5.0! If you’re unfamiliar with Up, it’s a command-line tool to help you deploy and manage near-infinitely scalable serverless web applications and APIs on AWS. You can deploy as many applications as you need, for the fraction of the price of other providers, with zero operational maintenance or manual scaling efforts.