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This Month in Datadog: Episode 11

Datadog is constantly elevating the approach to cloud monitoring and security. This Month in Datadog updates you on our newest product features, announcements, resources, and events. To learn more about Datadog and start a free 14-day trial, visit Cloud Monitoring as a Service | Datadog. This month we put the Spotlight on automated root cause analysis with Watchdog RCA.

You build it, you own it - Microservices operations with Datadog Service Catalog (Brooke Chen)

Managing microservices requires understanding many dependencies, both technical and operational. Join Brooke Chen of Datadog as they introduce Service Catalog, a new view combining telemetry, performance, topology, and metadata to enable at-a-glance understanding of even the most complex microservices architectures.

Datadog On Rust

Rust is a programming language that has been gaining popularity over the past few years, with its adopters claiming that it helps them write faster, memory efficient, and more reliable software. At Datadog many backend services are written in Go, but some teams have begun adopting Rust when building new services, especially when performance is critical.

Datadog on Profiling in Production

Depending on your chosen programming language and stack, you may have never used a profiler in production. The very idea of using a profiler in production for a web service may seem unrealistic, due to the amount of overhead involved. After all, aren’t profilers extremely computationally expensive to run? Despite a reputation for being computationally expensive, many programming languages have examples of profilers built to run in production. The importance of seeing how your application behaves in production is critically important to understanding how it performs in the real world.