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Navigating Unconscious Bias in Cloud Native Communities

Join Aakansha Priyaa at Civo Navigate as she delves into the topic of unconscious bias within cloud native communities. Through personal anecdotes and practical examples, this presentation sheds light on the subtle biases that permeate the tech industry and provides strategies for creating a more inclusive workplace.

PagerDuty Community Live Demo Webinar: Mastering Change Events for Proactive Incident Management

Developer Advocate Mandi Walls and Solutions Consultant Taz Ishraque explore the power of Change Events in the PagerDuty Operations Cloud. Watch and learn: How PagerDuty's Change Events API and integrations streamline the transmission of critical updates How Change Correlations enhance incident triage How to accelerate incident resolutions, reduce context switching and help teams focus on innovative work instead of firefighting.

First PagerDuty Plugin for Backstage Community Meetup

Watch the first virtual meetup for the PagerDuty plugin for Backstage. This informal gathering is for plugin users and contributors. Learn why PagerDuty continues to invest in this open-source project, which aims to solve significant challenges for software development and engineering teams. Developer Advocate and project maintainer Tiago Barbosa presents success metrics, reviews the work accomplished so far, and discusses the future feature roadmap openly.

Reliability for the Books - Incidentally Reliable with Niall Murphy

Catch Niall Murphy (Co-Founder of Stanza Systems) talk about graceful degradation, what startups are getting wrong about reliability and how well-thought user-experiences can communicate credibility to current and potential customers. Exclusively on The Incidentally Reliable podcast — made by SREs for SREs, hosted by Zenduty.

How to run Chaos Engineering experiments in your CI/CD pipeline

Part of the Gremlin Office Hours series: A monthly deep dive with Gremlin experts. Ad-hoc Chaos Engineering experiments are great for learning more about how your systems work, but they don’t tell you how your systems behave over time. As new features get deployed, environments change, and regressions get introduced, even the most resilient systems can gain reliability risks. QA and performance testing are already built into CI/CD - why not reliability?