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How to Test Microservices in Kubernetes

In this article, you will learn about some of the tools to test microservices running in a Kubernetes cluster. In particular, we will compare the Speedscale CLI tool with other tools and the main benefits of using Speedscale CLI. In the last few years, software companies have been shifting from building monolith applications to utilizing smaller microservices. In a microservices architecture, you operate with decentralized applications. This means that there's a separation in which each service is responsible for a specific component of your application.

Concurrency in Golang: Building a Data Pipeline for Monitoring Microservices from Scratch

Time and resource consumption have become the driving forces of developing modern applications. While building cloud-native applications, it’s important to ensure that you have the most optimized code in place, and oftentimes that means leveraging concurrency. While writing concurrent code may sound overwhelming at first, Golang makes it extremely easy to get a handle on.

Implementing Microservices on AWS with the Twelve-factor App - Part 1

The Twelve-Factor methodology is a set of best practices for developing microservices applications. These practices are segregated into twelve different areas of application development. Twelve-factor is the standard architectural pattern to develop SaaS-based modern and scalable cloud applications. It is highly recommended by AWS if you are building containerized microservices. In this article, we will guide you on how to develop applications that will use microservices deployed on containers in AWS.

You build it, you own it - Microservices operations with Datadog Service Catalog (Brooke Chen)

Managing microservices requires understanding many dependencies, both technical and operational. Join Brooke Chen of Datadog as they introduce Service Catalog, a new view combining telemetry, performance, topology, and metadata to enable at-a-glance understanding of even the most complex microservices architectures.

Using Containers for Microservices: Benefits and Challenges for your Organization

Using containers for microservices has gained a lot of popularity in the last decade or so. Developing the application through microservices across multiple containers results in the best of both worlds. It provides resilience as well as agility through scaling and improvements. Before we dwell on how containers and microservices form an ideal combination, let’s start with a basic understanding of microservices and containers.

Distributed Tracing Best Practices for Microservices

The management of modern software environments hinges on the three so-called “pillars of observability”: logs, metrics and traces. Each of these data sources provides crucial visibility into applications and the infrastructure hosting them. For many IT operations and site reliability engineering (SRE) teams, two of these pillars — logs and metrics — are familiar enough.

Stupid Simple Kubernetes: Everything You Need to Know to Start Using Kubernetes

In the era of Microservices, Cloud Computing and Serverless architecture, it’s useful to understand Kubernetes and learn how to use it. However, the official Kubernetes documentation can be hard to decipher, especially for newcomers. In this blog series, I will present a simplified view of Kubernetes and give examples of how to use it for deploying microservices using different cloud providers, including Azure, Amazon, Google Cloud and even IBM.

Are Microservices Right for Me - Enabling Microservices or Monoliths - Shipa

Another conversation that was recently had during our weekly field enablement office hours here at Shipa was “what exactly is a microservice?”. Certainly, a term that has been used to describe a paradigm and architectural practice. One can argue that the breaking down or decomposing of applications has been going on for decades and is not a monumental shift in computing. There are several definitions of microservices from a purist definition to a definition resembling a movement.