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InfluxDB Community Office Hours - May 2020

InfluxDB Community Office Hours are one-hour, monthly online sessions, held on the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 10:00 am Pacific Time, by our Influxers to answer your questions about any topic related to InfluxDB or time series. We host this monthly live webinar so that users can directly ask a panel of Influxers questions and talk in real time. We record these sessions and post them on YouTube. InfluxDB Community Office Hours are part of our commitment to open source, developer happiness, and time to awesome.

Searching Salesforce: Boosting your teams' productivity with Elastic Workplace Search

“If it’s not in Salesforce, it didn’t happen.” You’ve undoubtedly heard it, or perhaps you’ve said it yourself. And why not? Over the past 15 years, Salesforce has redefined the CRM industry, becoming the de facto solution for managing sales, customer service, marketing automation, and analytics functions with its cloud-only approach. As Salesforce’s solutions have expanded so has their user base.

Painting with Data: Choropleth SVG

With the release of the Splunk Enterprise Dashboards Beta version 0.5.2 comes an exciting new feature that I’m sure many people will find useful: Choropleth SVG Objects. What are Choropleth SVG Objects? Put simply, it’s painting with data. To help you navigate getting started with the current iteration of this feature, I’m writing a blog to show you just how easy it is to use and create absolutely custom SVG objects.

Elasticsearch Service on Google Cloud Marketplace: New ways to purchase and discover

Last year we announced an expanded partnership with Google to bring Elasticsearch Service to even more Google Cloud users. We were also named one of Google Cloud's partners of the year! We've since deepened our partnership, and today we are proud to announce new ways to purchase and discover Elasticsearch Service in the Google Cloud Marketplace. You can now purchase monthly Gold and Platinum subscriptions as well as Standard, Gold, and Platinum annual subscriptions through the marketplace.

What's New in the Splunk Machine Learning Toolkit 5.2?

We're excited to announce that the Splunk Machine Learning Toolkit (MLTK) version 5.2 is available for download today on Splunkbase! Earlier this month, I discussed how the release of version 5.2 will make machine learning more accessible to more users. Splunk’s MLTK lets our customers apply machine learning to the data they're already capturing in Splunk, develop models, and operationalize these algorithms to glean new insights and make more informed decisions.