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Logz.io Extends Alert Communications via Microsoft Teams Integration

If you’re a DevOps practitioner working in a Microsoft-centric environment, you’ll be pleased to learn that Logz.io recently added support for the popular Teams communications hub to help broadcast pressing alerts and other monitoring data. The integration comes on the heels of making the Logz.io platform directly available from within the Azure Console and expands organizations’ abilities to communicate and share notifications about everything from log data to security events.

OpenSearch Queries: Query DSL and Beyond

OpenSearch has evolved rapidly since its fork from the source code of the last truly open source version of Elasticsearch. So far, the community’s work has focused on removing proprietary code from Elastic, including a number of things that were never purely open source themselves. These include some aspects of the querying languages and capabilities of Elasticsearch.

Assign Read-Only Access to Users in Logz.io

Cloud monitoring and observability can involve all kinds of stakeholders. From DevOps engineers, to site reliability engineers, to Software Engineers, there are many reasons today’s technical roles would want to see exactly what is happening in production, and why specific events are happening. However, does that mean you’d want everyone in the company to access all of the data?

Modern Security Monitoring Demands an Integrated Strategy

The ultimate success of any security monitoring platform depends largely on two fundamental requirements – its ability to accurately and efficiently surface threats and its level of integration with adjacent systems. In the world of SIEM, this is perhaps more relevant than any other element of contemporary IT security infrastructure.

Cloud-Centric PCI Compliance Demands Cloud-Native Controls

Over the last 15-plus years, the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard – a.k.a. PCI DSS – has endured as the bellwether of IT security standards. For today’s e-commerce vendors and cloud centric retailers, maintaining alignment with “PCI” remains as relevant as ever, especially given the continued proliferation of threats and diversity of cloud and hybrid environments.

Distributed Tracing for C++ Applications with OpenTelemetry & Logz.io

Many organizations are moving from monolithic to microservices-based architectures. Microservices allow them to improve their agility and provide features more quickly. Although developing a single microservice is simpler, the complexity of the overall system is much greater. Here, we’ll review how to add distributed tracing to C++ with the OpenTelemetry collector and send to Logz.io. One of the biggest challenges is finding efficient tools to quickly debug and solve production problems.

Ship Logs from Docker with the Logz.io Fluentd Proxy

The past year has been significant for continued development of both DevOps practices and new developments across the open source community. To that end, Logz.io is moving forward with renewed support for the Fluentd log shipper. This new proxy will serve as an alternative to Filebeat and Logstash, which recently moved away from open source licensing. Additionally, this integration utilizes an HTTP proxy instead of the SOCKS5 proxy necessary for Filebeat.

Running Telegraf as Serverless on AWS Lambda for Monitoring Your Cloud

Telegraf is one of the coolest open source agents for collecting metrics. It’s part of the TICK Stack (Telegraf, Influx, Chronograf and Kapacitor) and with Telegraf you can collect metrics from a wide array of inputs and write them into a wide array of outputs. It is plugin-driven for both collection and output of data so it is easily extendable.

Quick Dictionary to Open<X> Projects in Observability

Do you also find yourself confused by all the Open-this and Open-that names flying around? There are currently a good few Open projects, standards, tools – OpenTelemetry, OpenTracing, OpenCensus, OpenSearch… heck, even my podcast is called OpenObservability! And new Open names seem to be popping up every other day. If you too feel this way, there’s no need. Many feel similarly confused.