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The latest News and Information on Containers, Kubernetes, Docker and related technologies.

Learn How to Build and Maintain Images with KubeAcademy's New Course

We’re excited to announce a new KubeAcademy course—Building Images. Designed for developers, devops engineers, and architects, this intermediate-level course covers different approaches for building images. Completing it will give you the skills and understanding needed to easily start building images and maintain them over time.

Approaching Azure Kubernetes Security

The Splunk Security Research Team has been working on Kubernetes security analytic stories mainly focused on AWS and GCP cloud platforms. The turn has come now for some Azure Kubernetes security monitoring analytic stories. As outlined in my "Approaching Kubernetes Security — Detecting Kubernetes Scan with Splunk" blog post, when looking at Kubernetes security, there are certain items within a cluster that must be monitored.

How to Run and Apply a Codefresh Helmfile: a Step-by-Step Guide

If you’re looking to deploy your services to Kubernetes, Helm works great. However, once you start deploying to multiple environments, developing code as a team, or automating in a CI/CD pipeline, you start to run into limitations with Helm. Codefresh Pipelines using Helmfile has the power and flexibility to address these issues and many others. It’s also one of the best ways to organize your Helm code and values.

Data science workflows on Kubernetes with Kubeflow pipelines: Part 2

This blog series is part of the joint collaboration between Canonical and Manceps. Visit our AI consulting and delivery services page to know more. Kubeflow Pipelines are a great way to build portable, scalable machine learning workflows. It is a part of the Kubeflow project that aims to reduce the complexity and time involved with training and deploying machine learning models at scale. For more on Kubeflow, read our Kubernetes for data science: meet Kubeflow post.

Docker monitoring made easy

Docker is a platform that enables developers to run software in packaged environments called containers. These containers are operating system (OS)-level virtualized elements that share a common Linux server yet have their software, libraries, and configuration files bundled within them. These containers can communicate with each other and exchange information, making it easier to develop and host multiple applications through the CI/CD DevOps methodology.

12 Kubernetes interview questions and answers to score that job

You’ve put in the time applying for tech jobs and have made it to the daunting interview. You know they are going to ask you about Kubernetes, so make sure you are prepared. If you are completely new to Kubernetes we recommend you first read our Kubernetes pronunciation post, so you don’t really embarrass yourself, and then check out the Kubernetes glossary we created to help give you a decent Kubernetes foundation.

The CI/CD Experience: Kubernetes Edition - Fireside Chat

With Kubernetes, everything from deployment to monitoring to scaling is more standardized and inherently easier to automate. This presents the possibility to achieve a more effective and comprehensive Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD) experience. We can incorporate the practice of infrastructure-as-code and take advantage of a flourishing ecosystem of tools to improve and fully automate our application deployment strategies. In this session, we'll tour the landscape of new Kubernetes-centric tooling, including Tekton, Kustomize, and ArgoCD. We'll also explore how GitOps can be leveraged for CI/CD.