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The latest News and Information on DevOps, CI/CD, Automation and related technologies.

The Case for IT Remote Support in Education Institutions

A few years ago, the school’s technical support could still cope with its tasks. Help with technology in the classroom, maintenance of educational platforms, statistics, accounting – all these were difficult, but it was still possible to handle a few people and the IT department of the school. But the pandemic has shown how educational institutions, from elementary schools to universities and academies, need more time to be ready for large-scale work in the digital space.

Webinar: State of DevOps | A Look Ahead at 2023

“DevOps” has never been more popular than it is today; it seems to be on the top of everyone’s minds and constantly evolving. So what can we expect to see in terms of trends for 2023? Join us as we continue our December conversation and discuss our predictions for DevOps and Software Supply Chain Security for the year ahead with community leaders. We will delve into some common and not-so-common opinions and topics you are likely to hear more and more about as the year progresses.

Selecting the Best Azure VM Type for Your Workload

Organizations all over the world have been moving workloads to the cloud. Microsoft Azure provides a host of benefits and services which make it a top choice for on-premises to cloud migrations. When it comes to migrating workloads, Azure virtual machines are a great choice with VM options up to 416 vCPUs and 12 TB of memory and storage IOPS up to 3.7 million.

The KPIs of improved reliability

For many businesses, prioritizing reliability is an ongoing challenge. Building reliable systems and services is critical for growing revenue and customer trust, but other initiatives—like building new products and features—often take precedence since they provide a clearer and more immediate return. That's not to say reliability doesn't have clear value, but proving this value to business leaders can be tricky.

3 Key Questions to Ask Before Getting Started with Kubernetes

If you need to deploy a lot of microservices at once and manage them at scale, Kubernetes is hard to beat. But Kubernetes also brings additional complexity that you just might not need. You would be smart to ask yourself these three questions before getting started with Kubernetes.

Azure Application Insights vs Log Analytics: Which one should you choose?

We often speak to organizations about Azure and one of the common questions is what is the difference between App Insights and Log Analytics. In this article we will aim to discuss those differences and overlaps. If we think about the Azure Monitoring Platform / ecosystem, then Log Analytics and App Insights both play a role within that platform as shown below. Log Analytics plays a role in the storage of Log Data and the analysis of Log Data.

Analytics in Squadcast | Visualize Team and Organization Level Analytics | MTTA MTTR | Squadcast

Analyzing incident data plays a key role to do better SRE. Squadcast's Analytics Dashboard helps you analyze the performance of your Organization/ Team, for a given time period. It also gives you more insight into past outages that affected your systems.