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Race to Automation with the right ITSM

At ServiceNow, ITSM is like a favorite sports car we’ve tuned and optimized over the years into a precision machine that can keep pace with the speed of technological and business innovation. But to keep ITSM operating at its full potential requires constant maintenance, modifications, and grit. More recently, we’ve realized that ensuring continued ITSM performance requires automation and developing enterprise solution connections.

ServiceNow's leaders unlock innovation

As we enter the new year of 2021, tune in to hear from ServiceNow leaders and learn about new ways to unlock innovation at work to manage change with instant agility, with this month’s two-part blog series. NATS and ServiceNow best practices: AIOps-driven automation drives faster resolution Enterprise organizations rely on intelligent monitoring of their growing digital service footprint for visibility.

Getting to know IT asset management

It’s funny how once you are officially in a department such as IT, everyone assumes you have deep knowledge about everything from resetting a printer to spooling up a complex cloud dev instance. And as time goes by, it gets harder and harder to admit unfamiliarity about certain areas of techdom. Take IT asset management (ITAM), for example. Yes, we all know what software is. We know what a laptop or desktop computer is.

The citizen healthcare experience

Let citizen experiences drive your decision making In healthcare, citizen needs, expectations, and priorities can change quickly and with little warning. There’s no better example of this than the way COVID-19 immediately affected how organizations serve their customers and how healthcare providers prioritize patients, with many elective surgeries postponed.

Reduce operational risk with a strong data classification foundation

Alcon Laboratories is the global leader in eye care, with a history spanning more than seven decades. The company offers a broad portfolio of products to enhance sight and improve people’s lives. Each year, more than 260 million people in 140+ countries rely on its surgical and vision care products to address conditions such as cataracts, glaucoma, retinal diseases, and refractive errors.

Save $1M with Software Asset Management

In this new series of Now on Now stories, we share how we use ServiceNow products internally to transform our operations and create great experiences. We hope our stories will inspire our customers and partners to harvest even more business value and resiliency from the Now Platform®. For more information, visit the Now on Now Workflows Book of Knowledge.

Closing the digital divide in our own backyard

Students throughout the U.S. faced massive technology and connectivity gaps before the pandemic. Now, with COVID-induced remote learning, the situation is more urgent than ever. Many students cannot afford internet connectivity. Many don’t have personal laptops or tablets. And school districts are struggling to obtain the resources needed to support students who are now dependent on distance learning.

How to flatten the ITOM curve

As I sit here writing this blog, I can’t believe how much things have changed. No more chats in the hall or booking a conference room. With this pandemic, everything is virtual. My laptop and mobile are my lifeline. They are the only way I can work. I know I’m not alone. How many of you are reading this blog at the kitchen table—or, if you’re lucky, in your home office? And I suspect it’s not going to change any time soon. If ever.