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How I got my job in WebGazer on the day I learned that it existed

Yes, you heard it right. They both happened on the same day. I had no idea about WebGazer a few months ago, and now I am a part of it! It all started when a friend of mine texted me that he wanted some help. I said okay, but honestly, I did not think that it would become my new job.

Prevent EHR End User Experience Issues Before They Increase Costs - and Stress

Without a doubt, the digitization of patient health records and the rapid growth of software applications and systems supporting patient care and administration have changed the way medical care is delivered. As physicians, hospitals, and health systems struggle to see more patients, deliver better care – and comply with an ever-increasing number of other demands of their time – it’s critical that the applications and systems they rely on are available and perform as expected.

Collecting metrics with IIS monitoring tools

In this post, we’ll show you how to use built-in IIS monitoring tools to access and graph performance counters, configure logging in IIS, and query your logs with Microsoft’s Log Parser Studio. We’ll also explain how to use a diagnostic tool to investigate memory leaks and high CPU utilization in your application pools and worker processes.

Key IIS metrics to monitor

Microsoft’s Internet Information Services (IIS) is a web server that has traditionally come bundled with Windows (e.g., versions 5.0, 6.0, and beyond). IIS has numerous extensibility features. Swappable interfaces like ISAPI and FastCGI make it possible to use IIS with a variety of backend technologies, from micro-frameworks like Flask to runtimes like Node.js, along with technologies you’d expect to find within a Windows-based production environment (e.g., ASP.NET).

How to convince your boss you need a status page

Every company depends on tools that help them do their jobs. HR tools, CRMs, chat & collaboration tools, business intelligence tools, marketing automation tools… the list goes on. Bringing another tool into the mix involves approval processes, buy-in from execs, and the occasional boss-nudging for her credit card.

Monthly Snap July: Releases, Meetups & Macbook Touchbar

July brought you new releases for our monitoring core and web frameworks: Icinga 2.9 and Icinga Web 2.6. Both major versions add more awesome features to your monitoring stack. Icinga 2.9.1 was already pushed fixing a problem with non-Systemd platforms, Icinga Web 2.6.1 is coming later this week fixing a regression.