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Limit deployments to Platform.sh only when Git tagged: part two

In part one of this series, we covered how you could limit deployments to Platform.sh only when a tag is pushed/created, focusing primarily on using GitHub and the GitHub Actions platform to accomplish this goal. But we’re a polyglot PaaS and strive to be agnostic in our users’ source code management terms of the service. With that in mind, let’s look at how we can accomplish the same goal using GitLab and your CI/CD system. Just like last time, there are some assumptions to consider.

How to validate Sigma rules with GitHub Actions for improved security monitoring

Monitoring your identity provider’s logs is critical to identify potential security threats. These logs are vital for a security team, who may store them in a specialized tool like Grafana Loki for enhanced accessibility and analysis. The ability to pinpoint specific patterns within these logs is key — and by crafting these patterns into Loki queries, you can conduct focused searches across logs.

E2E Testing on Github Actions: A walkthrough of our CI workflows | 2024 Guide

In this walkthrough, we take a detailed look at how automated E2E Testing is performed in Mattermost, using Cypress and Github Actions. Learn more about our approach to organizing and running the test cases, and our solutions to the challenges around their automation. Ready to streamline your testing process? Join us in mastering automated E2E Testing with Cypress and Github Actions.

Minimizing Distractions and Maximizing Productivity with GitLens

For developers, streamlining your workflow while coding in a distraction-free and conducive environment is of utmost importance. This is why most developers go for workspaces that can provide most, if not all, the tools and services they need in one place. Less context switching means minimal distractions, hence, more productivity. GitLens is a Git extension for VS Code that provides valuable insights into code authorship and unlocks the full power of Git within VS Code.