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How to check if an item is back in stock?

Are you one of those trying to desperately get your hands on a new RTX 3080, 3070, 3060 Ti, & 3090 in 2021? Or maybe you prefer the new PlayStation 5 or Xbox Series X console. Basically, any item that’s on pre-sale or hard to get (including the uniquely designed piece of clothing for your girlfriend). If your favorite e-shop doesn’t have a “watchdog”, we have the best solution for you. Now how would you know it’s already back in stock? There’s an easy way!

Why gambling / betting industry (websites) need a constant remote monitoring?

The online gambling industry (which includes casino games, poker, and sports betting) is growing pretty fast, with no signs of it slowing down. More and more people have access to the Internet via mobile phones or PCs, and people like to gamble. Around 51% of the world’s population are involved in some gambling form.

The Central Source of Truth: Fall Guys and Mediatonic

Mediatonic is a sprawling video game studio based in the UK, with a number of successful titles to their name: Heavenstrike Rivals, Gears POP!, and Murder by Numbers among them. In 2020, they struck gold again with Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout. But this game would be special, and the need of handling these kinds of gaming logs at this kind of scale would be, too. This battle royal-style fighting game pits 60 players against each other until one reigns supreme.

How IPM Platforms Improve Video Game Development

share post Gaming is a vast industry that is continuing to grow. Multi-player cloud-based games especially are becoming more popular and taking the market by storm. With everything going on in the world, it’s no wonder people are looking for a bit of downtime and a way to escape the tribulations of everyday life. Game developers face many challenges in order to get their games on the screens of as many global players as possible.

Is your online gaming platform "Chaos Monkey"-proof?

Try to imagine a bunch of monkeys running around your data center, pulling cables, trashing routers and wreaking havoc on your applications and infrastructure. Ever more crucial in these days of heated competition between online gaming operators, is player experience. Continuity of operations is “Uber-Alles” and avoiding churn, due to service disruption, is the organizational mantra.

Games are in our DNA

At Cloudsmith we love playing video games, everything from Super Meat Boy to Halo, Fortnite to Candy Crush. We’ve got a big Pac Man money box sitting on the office shelf. Steve Collins, of Havok fame, is on our Board of Directors. Quite simply, gaming is in our DNA. When we started Cloudsmith we made a list of customers we’d love to work with someday and there were numerous games studios on the list.

The Most Important KPIs for Monitoring Mobile Games

Managing modern mobile games involves measuring and tracking dozens of metrics. Each value lets you know how well your game is doing in a specific area, such as user experience, infrastructure, and monetization, to name but a few. But not all KPIs are created equally. Some metrics are more valuable than others in terms of helping you make informed business and technical decisions about your game. That’s what we’ll take a look at in this article.

The rise of 'Compliance-ops': Bridging the tech and compliance gap in iGaming

Kimberley Wadsworth gambled £36,000 in a fortnight, committing suicide shortly after the loss and leaving her mother homeless as a result. Kimberley Wadsworth started gambling in 2015, visiting brick-and-mortar shops and playing at online casinos. There was no one to promptly alert or save Kimberly from her dreadful destiny.

Customizing the UE4 Crash Report Client

Crash Report Client is an Unreal Engine tool that allows developers to capture C++ crash reports from supported platforms. At crash time, a dialog is shown to the user so that they may add comments or replication steps to the details of the report. Once the crash report is submitted, it’s pushed to one of Epic’s servers so that developers can review the crash and fix the underlying issue. Often, the crash is a result of code that wasn’t written by Epic.