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Getting Started with WooCommerce: A Guide for New Users

Many of today's up-and-coming entrepreneurs choose to start out on online selling platforms and social media marketplaces. But for someone who heads a small- or medium-sized enterprise (SME) or startup, building a dedicated e-commerce website is the next logical step if the goal is to strengthen the company's brand and achieve a higher level of credibility in the market.

9 Simple Tips for Managing Emails Efficiently on Mobile Devices

Efficient email management is a pivotal skill that can benefit both your professional success and personal endeavours. While organising your email on a desktop or laptop computer may be relatively simple, doing the same thing on a mobile device might present more of a challenge, given the smaller display size and less tactile interface.

What Is Network Optimization?

A fast, dependable, and efficient network is critical for business success in today’s connected world. Network optimization is a vital component of network management that can assist organizations in improving network performance, lowering costs, increasing security, and improving user experience. Network optimization is more important than ever with the growing demand for high-speed connectivity and real-time data processing.

Cloud vs On-Premises: Back to Earth or Up in the Clouds?

Research shows that most US companies go cloud-first when choosing where to deploy a new application. Indeed, cloud computing brought many new amazing solutions to people’s lives. But… Is it the only way? In 2024, are on-premises solutions a viable option for companies?

Data Lakehouses Explained

The big data landscape is always changing to solve existing problems and continues to push the boundaries of performance and scale. Data lakehouses are a new architectural pattern that is rapidly gaining popularity by solving a variety of problems seen with previous solutions like data warehouses and data lakes. In this article, you will learn the following.

5 Docker Extensions to make your development life easier

Docker has revolutionized the way developers build, ship, and run applications. Its simplicity and efficiency in creating lightweight, portable containers have made it a go-to tool in modern software development. However, enhancing Docker’s capabilities with extensions can significantly boost productivity and simplify complex tasks. Here are five Docker extensions that can make your development life easier.

The future of generative AI in public sector

Recently, I sat down with Adelaide O’Brien, research vice president at IDC Government Insights, to discuss the current and future state of generative AI in the public sector worldwide. The full conversation is available to view on demand, but I also wanted to highlight some of the takeaways from the discussion.

Learn the Incident Response Life Cycle - Best Practices and Strategies

No company plans for a security breach, major outage, or other cyber incident, but they happen. When an incident occurs, having a standardized, regulated method of managing the fallout is critical. This is where the incident response life cycle comes in ‍

Spring Boot Monitoring with Open-Source Tools

Spring Boot Monitoring aims to provide real-time insights into various aspects of a Spring Boot application. Spring Boot provides useful libraries like the Spring Boot Actuator and Micrometer to aid in monitoring. But in order to set up effective monitoring, you need to use a tool where you can send the monitoring data for storage and visualization. In this tutorial, we cover: In this tutorial, you will learn how to monitor a Spring Boot application with SigNoz and OpenTelemetry.