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How to monitor Kafka and Confluent Cloud with Elastic Observability

The blog will take you through best practices to observe Kafka-based solutions implemented on Confluent Cloud with Elastic Observability. (To monitor Kafka brokers that are not in Confluent Cloud, I recommend checking out this blog.) We will instrument Kafka applications with Elastic APM, use the Confluent Cloud metrics endpoint to get data about brokers, and pull it all together with a unified Kafka and Confluent Cloud monitoring dashboard in Elastic Observability.

Joins, pipes and more with the new Elasticsearch Query Language

The new Elasticsearch Query Language is a flexible, powerful, and robust query expression language to interrogate data. In this session learn how ESQL provides a superior query UX, a piped query language with join capabilities that fundamentally transforms and expands the analytics and data processing of Elasticsearch.

Elasticsearch and OpenSearch - not the same thing

Do you understand the differences between Elasticsearch and OpenSearch? We’ll lay them out for you. You’ll find that our take on emerging technologies is fundamentally transforming the opportunity to solve problems through search. Learn about innovation in areas like vector search and hybrid scoring or support for third-party natural language processing that help you unlock possibilities for new classes of searches through the application of machine learning. The result? Increased relevance with less burden on the developer and administrator. In this session, you'll learn all about these innovations, and how you can take advantage of them to drive success.

Using search effectively in taxonomies and correctly modeling your domain in Elasticsearch

Finding matches when using a taxonomy is a common problem. A notable challenge is mapping a user’s query to the entity (or results) expected when searching for an entity inside a catalog mapping. Functional textual search models tend to rely on exact match or partial match, but both can lead to a frustrating experience when users aren’t familiar with the domain. Basic models often fail to support user typos, synonyms, acronyms, and/or hyponyms/hypernyms. Learn how to tackle these challenges and make search more intuitive when using a taxonomy.

Elastic Observability 8.7: Enhanced observability for synthetic monitoring, serverless functions, and Kubernetes

Elastic Observability 8.7 introduces new capabilities that drive efficiency into the management and use of synthetic monitoring and expand visibility into serverless applications and Kubernetes deployments. These new features allow customers to: Observability 8.7 is available now on Elastic Cloud — the only hosted Elasticsearch offering to include all of the new features in this latest release.

Elastic Enterprise Search 8.7: New connectors, extraction rules for web crawler, and search analytics client beta

Elastic Enterprise Search 8.7 is packed with features designed to improve content ingestion and search experiences. With this release, the MySQL connector adds advanced filtering capabilities, allowing you to filter and ingest large volumes of data from MySQL databases more efficiently.

Elastic Observability: Built for open technologies like Kubernetes, OpenTelemetry, Prometheus, Istio, and more

As an operations engineer (SRE, IT Operations, DevOps), managing technology and data sprawl is an ongoing challenge. Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) projects are helping minimize sprawl and standardize technology and data, from Kubernetes, OpenTelemetry, Prometheus, Istio, and more. Kubernetes and OpenTelemetry are becoming the de facto standard for deploying and monitoring a cloud native application.

How Geometric Search Works for Hexagons in Elasticsearch

Geographic grid systems allow zooming into maps at progressively higher resolutions and finer grids. For rectangular grids, this is very simple, but for hexagonal grids, the situation is much more complex, since child hexagons are not fully contained within parent hexagons. This video demonstrates how we can still achieve efficient parent-child search in Elasticsearch using the H3 hexagonal grid.