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Kubeflow 1.6 on Kubernetes 1.23 and beyond

Kubeflow is an open-source MLOps platform that runs on top of Kubernetes. Kubeflow 1.6 was released September 7 2022 with Canonical’s official distribution, Charmed Kubeflow, following shortly after. It came with support for Kubernetes 1.22. However, the MLOps landscape evolves quickly and so does Charmed Kubeflow. As of today, Canonical supports the deployment of Charmed Kubeflow 1.6 on Charmed Kubernetes 1.23 and 1.24.

Demystifying the complexity of cloud-native 5G network functions deployment using Robin CNP - Part I

Robin.io simplifies the operations and lifecycle management of 5G applications at scale and demystifies the complexity around 5G and network functions management. The simplified end-to-end automation and App-Store-like user interface makes the management of applications easy for operators. This is relevant for several reasons.

How Do Mobile Apps Play an Important Role in Tracking Vehicles?

There is a very major change in the way organizations work now. Previously their work was not technology oriented but now with this rapidly changing environment they are making their way through technology and that allows them to stand out and act in a way that they never thought that they will. Now that the scenario has already changed enough the technologies that came up to track the assets are backed by tracking software.

IoT project lifecycle - long-term support for IoT devices [Part III]

How long will you support your device? Long-term support for IoT is a simple but difficult question for many device manufacturers. If you are developing a smart home device, a mobile robot for hospitality, or the next iron man jetpack, you need to consider how long you will support the device on the market. This will have implications on your operational expenses, team resources and customer satisfaction. Simply put, the longer you support your device, the happier your user will be.

10 Tools for Monitoring Mobile Apps from a Network Point of View

With so many apps to choose from, mobile users no longer have much patience for apps that don’t work well. This isn’t just about bugs and crashes; users also think about how fast the app works and how much battery it uses. But have you ever thought about what would happen to the business if your live applications running on the client’s systems went down or didn’t work as expected?

How to Keep Your Eyes Healthy During Long Hours on a Computer

Do you spend the majority of your days in front of a PC or laptop screen? If so, you're not alone. According to a study by the National Institute of Health, nearly 90% of Americans use a computer for work or leisure purposes. While computers can be a great tool for productivity and entertainment, they can also be harmful to our eyesight if we're not careful. In this guide, we will discuss some tips on how to keep your eyes healthy during long hours on a computer!

Beyond API testing with Jest

Jest is a JavaScript-based testing framework that lets you test both front-end and back-end applications. Jest is great for validation because it comes bundled with tools that make writing tests more manageable. While Jest is most often used for simple API testing scenarios and assertions, it can also be used for testing complex data structures. In this tutorial, we will go through how to use Jest to test nested API responses and hopefully have fun in the process.

Migrating to an open-source private cloud platform: key considerations

Private clouds combine the many benefits of cloud computing, like elasticity, scalability and agility, with the security, access control and resource customisation of on-prem infrastructure. Private clouds allow financial institutions to have greater control over hardware and software choices. They make it easier to enforce compliance with regulatory standards.

A Deeper Dive into Machine Learning at Splunk

A typical bit of feedback I have had during my time at Splunk is that the Splunk Machine Learning Toolkit (MLTK) looks nice and all, but how are we supposed to get started using it? Choosing the right technique, let alone the right algorithm can be a daunting task for those who are unfamiliar with machine learning (ML). We’ve been thinking long and hard about how we can help offer more prescriptive introductions into using ML at Splunk and I’m pleased to present our set of MLTK deep dives.

Digital Enterprise Journal (DEJ) Names Checkly a Leader in Monitoring for Cloud Native Environments

The demand for continuous innovation and faster delivery requires a fresh approach to monitoring modern apps and APIs. As development environments grow increasingly dynamic and complex, monitoring performance through a platform that is fully programmable, handles app and API-testing, is optimized for developers, and integrates with existing tools and workflows becomes increasingly critical.