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Alloy Software Launches Mobile Self-Service App!

Alloy Software Inc. today unveils a brand-new mobile experience for end-users of its Alloy Navigator ITAM/ITSM suite. The new app offers mobile users the ability to report issues and track their progress, request services from the IT team, search for answers in the knowledge base, reserve equipment for temporary use, and more.

Get better insights from industrial IoT data with Grafana

Varland Plating has been in the electroplating business since 1946. At their industrial job shop in Cincinnati, Ohio, they perform complex electrochemical treatments on steel, brass, and copper manufactured parts to create everything from corrosion-resistant building materials to decorative metals.

The 7 Innovative Technologies That Will Help Businesses Reduce Energy Costs

Businesses are always looking for new and innovative ways to reduce their energy costs. In this blog post, we will discuss seven cutting-edge technologies that can help your business save money on its energy bill. These technologies can help you become more energy efficient and reduce your carbon footprint. So, without further ado, let's get started!

How Tech Mags Can Invest & Protect Their Financial Assets

Whether you're running a tech mag or an online business, protecting your financial assets is important. It's a competitive and harsh world out there, and brands today need to work extra hard to stay afloat. From your products to your ads space to your website, anything can be an asset and needs to be protected. Whether you're looking to expand your business or protect the future of your company, you've come to the right place. Here's everything you need to know about protecting your financial assets to make sure your business stays afloat.

How to Capture Humour in Photos

If you think it's easy to take a funny photo, you're wrong. It seems like all you have to do is make a funny face and you're already getting a lot of likes on social networks. However, this is not true, because people have different senses of humor. In today's article, we decided to tell you a few tricks that work for funny photos. And if you want to not just take a funny photo, but also edit it, see the list of the best photo editors for PC on Skylum's blog.

Autoscaling Checkly Agents with KEDA in Kubernetes

Checkly private locations enable you to run browser and API checks from within your own infrastructure. This requires one or more Checkly agents installed in your environment where they can reach your applications and our Checkly management API. You need to ensure you have enough agents installed in order to run the number of checks configured in the location. We have a guide to planning for redundancy and scaling in our documentation.

InfluxDB Cloud Native Collectors, Enterprise and Industrial IoT Examples - Part 2

Learn how to deploy InfluxDB Cloud’s Native Collectors with Kepware and the Things Network. In Part 1 of the blog series, we discussed connecting Kepware to InfluxDB using the new InfluxDB Cloud feature Native Collectors! As promised, let’s now discuss how to connect an Enterprise IoT platform, The Things Network to InfluxDB. Before we get to the juicy tutorial let’s run through a quick reminder.