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Don't let the skills gap hinder your IoT success

Since the term Internet of Things (IoT) was first coined in 1999, the market has experienced vast growth and maturity, evolving rapidly – and it is showing no sign of slowing down. According to Omdia, the number of global satellite IoT connections is set to continue growing at a compound annual growth rate of 25% for the foreseeable future.

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How to Test Microservices in Kubernetes

In this article, you will learn about some of the tools to test microservices running in a Kubernetes cluster. In particular, we will compare the Speedscale CLI tool with other tools and the main benefits of using Speedscale CLI. In the last few years, software companies have been shifting from building monolith applications to utilizing smaller microservices. In a microservices architecture, you operate with decentralized applications. This means that there's a separation in which each service is responsible for a specific component of your application.

Particle's Fleet Health Feature, Powered by InfluxDB, Delivers Device-Specific Data for IoT Deployments

The Particle platform enables companies to manage and program their IoT devices, bringing them to market quicker. To accomplish this, Particle developers needed to be able to collect telemetry data from a large number of edge IoT devices to measure performance. A key benefit of the Particle platform is its ability to scale from prototype to enterprise. Developers often prototype IoT devices using microcontrollers like Arduino or Raspberry Pi.

How to run Checkly in your infrastructure - our new private locations

The monitoring and testing of public applications and APIs is challenging by itself. What should you test? How often should you run your tests? And who should be alerted? A scalable monitoring setup includes many hidden details, but technically it’s straightforward. Call public APIs and see if they do what they’re supposed to.

Top Things To Consider When Connecting IoT Devices To The Cloud

Use cases for the Internet of Things (IoT) range from trucks, to shipping containers, to people, to cows. An organisation’s assets can be mobile, autonomous, even sentient - and the applications for tracking these assets are as limitless as the assets themselves. Analysts have identified asset tracking as the fastest growing industrial IoT market and it is expected that most connected devices will be location aware within the next decade.

Improve Performance in your iOS Applications - Part 3

Although modern iOS devices are capable of handling a wide range of intensive and complex tasks, the device may seem slow if you are not paying close attention to how your application operates. Performance improvements mentioned in this article are intended to make your code more readable and performant; however, select cautiously as per your needs. Oftentimes, altering or improving architecture and code refactoring takes more time and effort.

Automate testing for Golang Gin-gonic RESTful APIs

Gin is a high-performance HTTP web framework written in Golang. It contains features and functionalities like routing and middleware out of the box. This helps to reduce boilerplate code, improves productivity, and simplifies the process of building microservices. In this tutorial, I will guide you through the process of building a RESTful API with Golang using the Gin-gonic framework. I will also lead you through building an API to manage the basic details of a company.

Prescient Devices Makes Managing IoT Edge Devices Easy with InfluxDB

Prescient Devices focuses on changing the way businesses think about and use edge data and industrial IoT. The company built Prescient Designer, an edge data solutions platform that gives organizations the boost they need to transform their IT/OT processes. Prescient’s products empower data engineers, system integrators, and innovators to easily design and orchestrate edge-to-cloud data solutions.