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Five worthy reads: Is your enterprise dealing with data sprawl properly?

Five worthy reads is a regular column on five noteworthy items we’ve discovered while researching trending and timeless topics. This week, we define what data sprawl is and how organizations can cope with it effectively. Data sprawl—defined as the proliferation of data into endpoints, servers, applications, BYODs, operating systems, network environments, and even other geo-servers—can be a challenge to monitor and control.

Why Context is Critical in a Data-Driven World

Research firm IDC predicts that overall data volumes will grow from 33 zettabytes in 2018 to 175 zettabytes by 2025. 50% of the data will come from IoT devices and nearly 30% of the data will get consumed in real-time by 2025. The data economy has changed the game on how enterprises will need to work with digital technologies to become more effective, competitive, and innovative.

Gartner is fully in the cloud. Are you?

As many of you know, Gartner is recognized as one of the premier analyst firms by most enterprise IT organizations. Given the broad and diverse set of customers Gartner serves -- many risk averse and conservative towards new technologies, Gartner generally tends to recommend incremental and measured changes. Imagine our surprise when Gartner made this very bold statement "on-premises is the new legacy.

Pete's Top 3 New AWS Announcements from the Amazon NYC Summit

Only about four months to go before nearly 60,000 people descend on Las Vegas for the eighth annual AWS re:Invent user conference. However, that doesn’t mean that Amazon is going to embargo new service announcements until then. The recent AWS Summit in NYC looked more like a mini-re:Invent with nearly 12,000 people in attendance.

Deploying Redis with the ELK Stack

In a previous post, I explained the role Apache Kafka plays in production-grade ELK deployments, as a message broker and a transport layer deployed in front of Logstash. As I mentioned in that piece, Redis is another common option. I recently found out that it is even more popular than Kafka! Known for its flexibility, performance and wide language support, Redis is used both as a database and cache but also as a message broker.

Icinga Cube 1.1.0 is out!

As a little introduction for everyone who has not heard about the cube yet: The cube module is there to show statistics grouped by the custom variables that have been set for the hosts and services. They are then displayed in up to three dimensions for a quick overview to show the relations. The most prominent change is the addition of services: While it used to be only possible to have the hosts in a cube, the module has now been extended to provide full functionality with services as well.

3X Growth is Quite a Milestone, And It's Only the Beginning

When you start a company – or a third company as is the case for Lee and me – you start with a problem statement, a product you believe in, and a lot of hope. This means when growth goes as planned or exceeds expectations, you shouldn’t be surprised. This is what is supposed to happen. Great Product + Market Opportunity + Great Team = Successful Business. Intellectually, I know all this, but it is still exciting to see it come to fruition.

What To Do When You Have 1000+ Fields?

So you have been adding more and more logs to your Graylog instance, gathering up your server, network, application logs and throwing in anything else you can think of. This is exactly what Graylog is designed for, to collect all the logs and have them ready for you to search through in one place. Unfortunately, during your administration of Graylog you go the System -> Overview screen and see the big bad red box, saying you are having indexing failures.