Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud


Cloning git repos and creating systemd services with CFEngine

Using modules, you can add custom promise types to CFEngine, to manage new resources. In this blog post, I’d like to introduce some of the first official modules, namely git and systemd promise types. They were both written by Fabio Tranchitella, who normally works on our other product, Mender.io. He decided to learn some CFEngine and within a couple of weeks he’s contributed 3 modules, showing just how easy it is to implement new promise types. Thanks, Fabio!

The latest Github outage and how it impacts observability

Every now and then, issues occur that disrupt the very fabric of global software engineering. Chief amongst them is the recent mass outage of Github. Github is a fundamental building block in software productivity, hosting over 190 million code repositories. Github hosts our code and libraries, runs build pipelines, and much more. It is a central hub of activity and it is consumed by tens of thousands of organizations.

Use InfluxDB with GitHub Actions for GitOps, CI/CD, and Data Transformation

GitHub Actions are a powerful way to add automation to any source code repository. When you take that power and connect it with InfluxDB, you get an amazing combination that allows you to automate data generation, manage GitOps workflows, and a whole lot more. This post will highlight some of the interesting ways to use InfluxDB and GitHub Actions.

Introducing the New Rollbar Integration for GitHub Enterprise Server

We’re excited to launch our new integration with GitHub that supports GitHub Enterprise Server customers. This allows companies using GitHub Enterprise on their own domains to access key features in Rollbar that help developers fix errors faster. GitHub Enterprise offers a fully integrated development platform for organizations to accelerate software innovation and secure delivery. With Rollbar, GitHub Enterprise Server customers can now access.

Learn how to use the Jira, ServiceNow, GitHub, and GitLab plugins for Grafana for better visibility into software development

GitHub, GitLab, Jira, and ServiceNow are some of the most popular software development tools out there, and Grafana has powerful integrations with each of them. Join us for a live webinar on July 29 at 9:30 PT / 12:30 ET / 16:30 UTC for a demo of these data source plugins and best practices for creating a single pane of glass for viewing your software operations metrics. You can register here.

GitLab GUI

Has GitKraken made my dev life easy? It’s been 6 months since I started at Pipefy as a Young Gun Tech. During these months, I have learned a lot and used various tools to streamline my work. For this post, I will talk about how I use the GitKraken Git GUI with GitLab, running on Ubuntu, because both tools have an awesome integration. So you can speed up your workflow just like me.

Our Workflow for Security Releases using GitHub Security Advisories

We recently started using GitHub Security Advisories as part of our workflow for pushing out security releases. This post will give a brief introduction on how they work, how we use them, some of their limitations, and how we overcome them. We are still experimenting with this workflow, but the information could still be helpful for some while others might have suggestions how we could do things better.

GitLab Client for Linux

Working in a DevOps field, I often find myself needing to deliver a feature or an improvement (basically a piece of code) in a relatively short amount of time, or even working in parallel on different tasks. A rather universal software development stack is comprised of: Repository and branch management in Git has never been easier. Get more control over your Git workflow with the visualization offered by GitKraken.

GitKraken v7.7: Git for Teams

Get ready to collaborate with your team on a whole new level. While Git is amazing at tracking changes over time and giving us insight into the past, it’s not so great at helping you see what changes others are currently making or who is assigned to work on what parts of the code on any given project. Wouldn’t it be great to get better insight into what others on your team are actively working on, without ever switching applications? We could not agree more! Announcing GitKraken v7.7.