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A Look at NodeGit and libgit2

One common question we hear from folks trying out the GitKraken Git GUI for the first time is “how do those Undo and Redo buttons work?” If you’re used to only using the CLI, or a GUI that simply runs Git CLI commands in the background, this might seem like some kind of weird voodoo. The real tech behind this, and all of GitKraken’s awesomeness, is not magic, but open source technology. The same open source technology powering many other Git projects.

EventSentry on GitHub: PowerShell module, templates and more!

Since we’ve accumulated a lot of resources around EventSentry that are updated frequently, we’ve decided to launch a GitHub page where anyone can access and download scripts, configuration templates, screen backgrounds and our brand-new PowerShell module that is still under development.

What is a Branch in Git and How to Use It - Ultimate Guide

Developing a website or software isn't easy, a team of developers will be developing a new feature, other team will be testing whether the built feature works as expected, other might be fixing the bugs and so on. Managing these different versions of same code base must be a little tricky. Here comes the concept called branch in git which is used as a pointer to a snapshot of your changes. When we talk about branches in git these are the major questions that arises in our mind.

What is Git Checkout Remote Branch? Benefits, Best Practices & More

Git is a terrific tool that many developers use to keep track of their projects’ versions. Despite the fact that there are many different version control systems, git is by far the most used. The focus on distributed development and the ease with which branches can be used for good reasons. A branch is a simple approach of departing from the main development flow. It's typically used in a branch to add a new feature or correct an issue.

A Complete Guide To Use Git For Beginners

Writing code might be complex but it is easier to control with the right support tool. How do you know a new build of your software has shipped successfully? How do you know a single feature added to your website is working as you want it to? To ease the pain of tracking down all the issues, version control systems are useful tools that help you keep monitoring the changes that you make to your code.

Grafana dashboard showcase: Visualizations for Prometheus, home energy usage, GitHub, and more!

The Grafana community is one of the most vibrant in all of web development. And to celebrate the conclusion of GrafanCONline, the launch of Grafana 8 and Tempo 1.0, and so much more, we’re pleased to share this dashboard showcase. (And in case you missed any of the great sessions at GrafanaCONline, the videos are available on demand now!) Each of these 12 dashboards was built by our community, for our community.

Get to Know the Uptime.com Github

Uptime.com maintains a Github, which we update with important and useful resources for those seeking a command-line approach to Uptime.com. We also house important files there for users of our private location probe servers. When you want to use our REST API, and you need help getting started, our Github is a good place to begin. Access our Github here. Today, we want to introduce you to our project, discuss why we chose Github, and share what we hope to accomplish in the future.

Introducing the New Rollbar Integration for GitHub Enterprise Server

We’re excited to launch our new integration with GitHub that supports GitHub Enterprise Server customers. This allows companies using GitHub Enterprise on their own domains to access key features in Rollbar that help developers fix errors faster. GitHub Enterprise offers a fully integrated development platform for organizations to accelerate software innovation and secure delivery. With Rollbar, GitHub Enterprise Server customers can now access.