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Martello Technologies

End-to-End Microsoft 365 Troubleshooting with Martello - Q&A

As with any service in the cloud – particularly Microsoft 365 – it’s difficult to determine where along the path from user to Microsoft service lies the source of a service delivery problem. Without visibility into the entire spectrum of possible root causes – from endpoint to Microsoft cloud service – it’s nearly impossible to respond and potentially remediate the issue.

Empower your Organization's IT with Improved Monitoring Visibility

As technology evolves so do the needs of an organization that rely upon it; the ability to quickly adapt has become more important than ever, especially as of late. However, this doesn’t mean that adopting new technology isn’t without its own set of challenges. Take operating in the cloud for instance; one of the trade-offs is visibility.

Best Practices for Incident Management: A Checklist

If productivity is the engine that helps optimize how a business operates then being proactive is the oil and knowing how to effectively maintain productivity is regularly checking and replacing said oil. Whenever a service outage occurs it throws a wrench into the whole process and can put an entire organization in flux, mainly because the outage.

Martello in Motion - Rapid Circle

Rapid Circle has been providing information and communication technology services to organizations since 2008. The company offers cloud workplace and managed cloud services like data center migration, adoption and change management, and other cloud solutions that help organizations cut costs, improve productivity, and contribute to innovation, internal communication, and collaboration.

A Year of Learning & Growth at Martello

Perspective is important; 20/20 to someone who has just completed an eye exam is good news, however, the experience of 2020 that the rest of us have been privy to was much less clear. Martello has navigated through the challenges brought on by a global pandemic by taking proactive measures, being flexible, pivoting quickly when necessary, and continuing to work together – albeit as a socially distant team.

Why Microsoft Teams is the Most Essential Productivity Tool for your Business

In 2020 ‘pivot’ has become the trendy word of the business class, referring mainly to a company’s willingness to adopt technology to maintain internal team communication and productivity. Apart from front-line workers across disciplines who have courageously put others before themselves to provide healthcare and daily necessities, shelter in place, and work from home orders forced businesses to reassess their needs…and quickly.

A Guide For CIOs and IT Teams to Set Up a Digital Experience Monitoring Strategy

As digital transformation accelerates, the user experience is becoming a critical priority for CIOs. A growing number of services are being delivered as cloud-based software as a service (SaaS), but infrastructure and operations (I&O) teams lack visibility and control of the user experience. Digital business initiatives can only be successful if the user's experience is a good one.

5 Times You Should Be Monitoring The Microsoft 365 User Experience

With over 200 million users of Microsoft 365 worldwide, it's evident that organizations are putting the productivity of their users into the hands of Microsoft's cloud-based office solution. From communications using products like Exchange Online, and Teams; to collaboration using SharePoint Online; to leveraging OneDrive for document storage and sharing; organizations shifting to Microsoft 365 rely heavily on these tools as the foundation for their operational ecosystem.