Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud


Competitive Advantage from Fast Data

Running Kubernetes at the Edge with Fast Data Pipelines D2iQ delivers the leading independent platform for enterprise-grade Kubernetes. Starting with a comprehensive Kubernetes distribution built on pure upstream open-source, D2iQ provides management and ancillary platform applications that are tightly integrated, secured, and tested at scale.

How to Debug, Update & Monitor Embedded Android Devices

Even when you think there are no bugs in your fleet of Android OS devices, huge issues can come up at any time. How do you find and fix those issues before your customers notice them? With full device observability, you'll never have to worry about even the most high-impact bugs affecting your IoT devices in development or production.

Release Webinar: Connection Center for Webhooks Inbound

The release of our Connection Center for Webhooks Inbound means SCOM can now become a Webhook listener, enabling it to automatically receive data, and raise what it receives as SCOM alerts and events. This webinar takes you through all the new features of our latest integration for Inbound Webhooks and showcases how you can use it to make SCOM your central monitoring resource.

Various policy engines for Kubernetes policies - Saiyam Pathak

Kubernetes configurations are complex to manage across developers and operators. External tools like Helm, Kustomize cannot ensure environment-specific configurations and admission controllers provide a way to do this. Now, various tools have evolved over time that helps solve this problem - OPA Gatekeeper, Kyverno, Kubewarden and jsPolicy. In this talk during ContainerDays 2021, Saiyam Pathak from Civo goes through the need for a policy engine and discusses how each of the tools help along with the differences between them and where these are headed to.

Zero to hero: Enterprise multi-cloud application management from Day 0 to Day 2, on any substrate

Kubernetes and Operators have stormed the IT industry, but the enterprise landscape is still a mix of bare metal, virtual machines and Kubernetes, on-prem and on public clouds, all running different workloads. How can we manage the lifecycle of all those applications across all these environments, whithout having to learn new tools and frameworks as the industry is already moving to serverless? In this fast-flowing demo we will show you how the Charmed Operator Framework brings a unified approach for application management across clouds and infrastructure generations.

Full Circle: From Puppet to Google and Back Again

Deepak and Kelsey have a long history in a shared industry — they both worked at Puppet when it was still called Puppet Labs, and collaborated on some of the most exciting projects that made Puppet what it is today. Join Deepak and Kelsey for a fireside chat during which they’ll discuss the evolution of configuration management and automation, how their careers have overlapped and diverged, and what they envision for the future of cloud and ops.