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The latest News and Information on CyberSecurity for Applications, Services and Infrastructure, and related technologies.

A guide to dynamic application security testing (DAST)

Dynamic application security testing (DAST) is a critical security measure for modern software delivery pipelines. It involves evaluating the security of web applications by actively testing them in real-time, simulating real-world attacks to identify vulnerabilities. As the cybersecurity threat landscape has evolved, DAST has emerged as a key tool for enforcing application security in continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines.

Benefits of Monitoring for Cloud Security

Monitoring virtual & physical servers for potential threats or security loopholes is termed as cloud security monitoring. It helps identify these issues and rapidly respond to them, keeping your network safe. Cloud security monitoring best practices include automation for data, application, & infrastructure behavior monitoring and assessment. It helps in providing better access control & faster response time in case of a security breach.

DNS observability and troubleshooting for Kubernetes and containers with Calico

In Kubernetes, the Domain Name System (DNS) plays a crucial role in enabling service discovery for pods to locate and communicate with other services within the cluster. This function is essential for managing the dynamic nature of Kubernetes environments and ensuring that applications can operate seamlessly. For organizations migrating their workloads to Kubernetes, it’s also important to establish connectivity with services outside the cluster.

Merging to Main #3: CI/CD Secrets

CI/CD Secrets are... well... secret (or at least they should be)! Think of all the credentials and tokens currently in use in your CI/CD pipeline. These secrets provide critical authentication for essential infrastructure like source control, environments, and build and deployment tools, but they can also easily expose you to risk. Having a secure secret management process is more important than ever for protecting your company and ensuring only authorized personnel can access them.

How to Be a Target for Cybercriminals: Reuse Your Passwords

Tempting though it may be, you should never reuse a password. Every account should have its own complex, unique password or passphrase to reduce the risk of compromised credentials and account takeover attacks. Employees are often unintentionally responsible for data breaches, so organizations should ensure that their users have strong credentials that cannot be easily guessed.

Challenges and Guidelines for Generative AI in companies

In today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape, companies continue to explore ways to innovate and stay ahead of the competition. One of the most promising technologies available today for companies is Generative AI, which helps automate creative tasks that were previously only possible through human intervention. The use of Generative AI in companies has grown rapidly over the years due to its numerous benefits such as increased productivity and efficiency while minimizing costs.

Visualizing service connectivity, dependencies, and traffic flows in Kubernetes clusters

Today, the cloud platform engineers are facing new challenges when running cloud native applications. Those applications are designed, deployed, maintained and monitored unlike traditional monolithic applications they are used to working with. Cloud native applications are designed and built to exploit the scale, elasticity, resiliency, and flexibility the cloud provides. They are a group of micro-services that are run in containers within a Kubernetes cluster and they all talk to each other.