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The Top 4 Use Cases for Generative AI in Customer Experience

Up until recently, machines mainly focused on analyzing large, existing amounts of data and finding patterns for a multitude of use cases. This is called “traditional AI.” But lately, machines have also started creating new content. And this is now known as “generative AI.” And given the rise of ChatGPT and its peers, generative artificial intelligence (AI) has quickly emerged as one of the most transformative technologies in recent years.

6 Underutilized Ways to Use AI in Customer Service in 2023

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is surely revolutionizing numerous industries. The AI market is projected to grow from $150 billion in 2023 to $1,345 billion in 2030, at a whopping 36.8% Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR). And at least 35% of companies are already using AI in their business, and an additional 42% are exploring it. However, the exhaustive list of AI business applications is still in the early stages.

Datadog On Mobile Software Development

Understanding the health and user experience of your mobile application is critical in order to avoid user frustration, understand application crashes, and reduce bugs mean time to resolution. To help with that task, Datadog has a mobile monitoring solution that allows developers to better understand and improve their application. But what are the things to take into account when building observability mobile SDKs? How can we gather the right telemetry without affecting the underlying application?

Unlocking the Power of Hosted Graphite and Machine Learning

Monitoring and optimizing IT infrastructure, applications, and networks is crucial for businesses in today's digital landscape. It allows them to proactively identify issues, ensure optimal performance, and deliver a seamless user experience. However, traditional monitoring methods often fall short when it comes to handling the increasing complexity and scale of modern systems. That's where hosted graphite and machine learning come into play.

Grafana Pyroscope 1.0 release: continuous profiling for a modern open source observability stack

When we launched Pyroscope in 2021, we had one clear goal: Give developers a powerful open source continuous profiling tool for collecting, storing, and analyzing profiling data. Grafana Labs had a similar goal when they released Grafana Phlare, a horizontally scalable, highly available open source profiling solution inspired by databases like Grafana Loki, Grafana Mimir, and Grafana Tempo.

Tech Trends: Discover 5 Cutting Edge Technologies Shaping Our Future

The modern technologies we live with perform tasks that once seemed impossible and were meant only for science fiction movies. New inventions are constantly emerging, so with such an abundance of technologies, how will these affect our future online privacy? Today, we will discuss modern technologies that will seriously impact the shaping of our future. These technologies have the potential to revolutionize how our societies function.

How AI Is Challenging Cybersecurity Efforts

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is being used for all kinds of wonderful things, with many industries and businesses embracing the technology with open arms. AI can make short and accurate work of many complex tasks, which is seen favorably by businesses. But for all its good, AI also has a darker side which is becoming more evident with each passing day.