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The latest News and Information on APIs, Mobile, AI, Machine Learning, IoT, Open Source and more!

How to Periodically Extract Webpage Performance Metrics from Browser API

To ensure a good end user experience, smart businesses periodically gather performance data from their websites. They measure the responsiveness and speed of their services to ensure fast and reliable websites. Having a responsive and fast website improves companies’ conversion rates, keeps their reputation intact, and helps increase traffic and revenue. Website monitoring applications help determine whether the website achieves the desired response times and uptimes.

Technological Advances in Laser Engraving: How AI and Automation Are Changing the Game

Laser engraving has evolved rapidly over the past several years, driven by leaps in technological development. Notably, the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and automation technologies is revolutionising the industry, enhancing efficiency, precision, and innovation in previously unimaginable ways. In this article, we explore how AI and automation are setting new standards in laser engraving, offering unique benefits to consumers and businesses alike.

An Introduction to the OWASP API Security Top 10

If you ever watched Stargate, then you have some understanding of how application programming interfaces (APIs) work. While APIs don’t give you the ability to traverse the galaxy using an alien wormhole, they do act as digital portals that allow data to travel between applications. However, as sensitive data moves from one application to another, each API becomes a potential access point that threat actors can exploit.

Special report: Putting GenAI to work in the enterprise

Generative AI (GenAI) is on track to be the most powerful technology of our time. As such, it’s created quite a buzz. “Generative AI has awakened people's imagination for AI,” explains ServiceNow Chief Information Officer Chris Bedi. “AI has been around for a long time. People use machine learning models, but they couldn't feel and touch it like generative AI.

Automate reliability testing in your CI/CD pipeline using the Gremlin API

For many software engineering teams, most testing is done in their CI/CD pipeline. New deployments run through a gauntlet of unit tests, integration tests, and even performance tests to ensure quality. However, there's one key test type that's excluded from this list, and it's one that can have a critical impact on your application and your organization: reliability tests. As software changes, reliability risks get introduced.

How To Set Up a Professional Weather Station?

Setting up a professional weather station is a fascinating project that offers a learning curve. Specifically, it can give you a chance to get real-time weather updates. So, if you are also planning to set up your own weather station, you need to take care of certain things. You need to be sure that it is installed as far as possible in the open ground, and it shouldn't have any obstructions. Or you can install it 10 feet above the top of the surrounding buildings.

How generative AI is increasing cyber risk & what to do to make sure you're ready

Generative AI is all the buzz these days with the popularity of platforms and tools such as ChatGPT, Bard, Scribe, Jasper, and others experiencing exponential growth. This is a technology that has come to the fore with the force of a runaway train that’s bringing us head long into the future at the speed of light. It is transforming everything we do from writing code to making travel plans. And cybersecurity is no exception.