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The latest News and Information on APIs, Mobile, AI, Machine Learning, IoT, Open Source and more!

The Top 10 Open-Source Products From KubeCon North America 2022

KubeCon is the major cloud-native gathering of thousands of people from around the globe. The event is attended by many emerging startups and companies working on revolutionary products around Kubernetes, security, containers, and DevOps. It is a great opportunity to share insights and collaborate on various community projects.

The Power of Metrics - Monitoring Battery Life, Connectivity, Power Consumption & More

Once embedded devices are shipped, engineers have limited visibility into their devices. If you want to detect and resolve issues in production quickly, your team needs to implement device metrics. Metrics are a powerful yet simple way to monitor countless IoT devices, leading to quicker issue resolution and better decision-making. In this webinar, Memfault Co-Founder Tyler Hoffman discusses the importance of metrics and how you can use them to build more reliable IoT devices.

5 API Security Best Practices to Protect Sensitive Data

API is short for Application Programming Interface. The software-to-software interface provides a secure and standardized way for systems to work with each other. API security means implementing practices that protect APIs from malicious attacks and data theft. Thanks to APIs, applications can deliver the information or functionality requested without user intervention. This means our everyday digital experiences remain virtually effortless.

Top 8 Open Source Dashboards

Before exploring open-source dashboard tools, we first need to learn about Dashboards and how they can be useful. A dashboard is a data visualization and management tool that visually tracks and analyzes the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), business analytics metrics, infrastructure health and status, and data points for an organization, team, or process. It can be used to present operational and analytical business data with interactive data visualizations to your team.

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What Is MLOps? Machine Learning Operations and Its Role in Technology Transformation

Across all industries, businesses are investing in applications and services powered by artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to boost productivity and gain a competitive advantage.