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Five worthy reads: Is merging artificial intelligence with your thoughts really a good idea?

Five worthy reads is a regular column on five noteworthy items we’ve discovered while researching trending and timeless topics. In this edition, we’ll learn what brain-computer interfaces are, their crucial medical applications, and the ethical challenges they pose.

What's the hype about Machine Learning?

Can it help businesses? Machine learning is an inescapable buzzword for many in the operations sector. Even friends and colleagues tend to make us aware of a new ML tool that may or may not be useful. While there are many ML tools in the market, not all are suitable for every business. Some tools, when tested, struggle to solve basic, everyday use cases. Therefore, when evaluating ML tools, other deeper questions and issues do arise.

Nodejs Performance Monitoring | Monitor a full-stack Nodejs application with open-source tools

Nodejs tops the list of most widely used frameworks for server-side programming by developers. Powered by Google’s V8 engine, its performance is incredible. As a result, Nodejs has now become a critical part of the technology stack of large-scale enterprises and startups. And as nodejs is based on Javascript, it is also easier to learn and begin with. Nodejs is a dynamically typed single-threaded programming language.

The Open Source Observability Adoption and Migration Curve

Open source monitoring and observability tools can be found in production all over the world – whether they’re being used by startups or entire enterprise development teams. DevOps, ITOps, and other technical teams rely on tools like Prometheus, Grafana, OpenSearch, OpenTelemetry, Jaeger, Nagios, Zabbix, Graphite, InfluxDB, and others to monitor and troubleshoot their cloud environment.

Alloy Software Launches Mobile Self-Service App!

Alloy Software Inc. today unveils a brand-new mobile experience for end-users of its Alloy Navigator ITAM/ITSM suite. The new app offers mobile users the ability to report issues and track their progress, request services from the IT team, search for answers in the knowledge base, reserve equipment for temporary use, and more.

How Logz.io Uses Observability Tools for MLOps

Logz.io is one of Logz.io’s biggest customers. To handle the scale our customers demand, we must operate a high scale 24-7 environment with attention to performance and security. To accomplish this, we ingest large volumes of data into our service. As we continue to add new features and build out our new machine learning capabilities, we’ve incorporated new services and capabilities.

Get better insights from industrial IoT data with Grafana

Varland Plating has been in the electroplating business since 1946. At their industrial job shop in Cincinnati, Ohio, they perform complex electrochemical treatments on steel, brass, and copper manufactured parts to create everything from corrosion-resistant building materials to decorative metals.