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How Load Testing and Mocks Work Together

If you’ve worked with load testing before, you know that there are a lot of things to consider. Whether or not you should combine load testing and mocks is one of those considerations. Getting to the answer requires knowledge of your infrastructure and your development procedures, which will all influence what questions you need to ask yourself.

Open source in financial services - start with a strong foundation

Financial Institutions (FIs) need to respond with agility and business velocity to keep pace with changing economic conditions. Yet, emerging competition from fintechs and challenger banks and increasing customer expectations is making this task difficult, especially as regulatory and compliance requirements increase. Embracing the next phase of digital transformation is an imperative for financial institutions to sustain and grow in a competitive environment of rising cost pressures.

Kubernetes Lens: Improving Operational Awareness of Kubernetes Clusters

Kubernetes Lens is an integrated development environment (IDE) that allows users to connect and manage multiple Kubernetes clusters on Mac, Windows, and Linux platforms. It is an intuitive graphical interface that allows users to deploy and manage clusters directly from the console. It provides dashboards that display key metrics and insights into everything running on a cluster, including deployments, configurations, networking, storage, and access control.

What is FluentD, and how does it work with Kubernetes?

FluentD is a free and open-source data collector. With its decentralized ecosystem, it’s known for its built-in reliability and cross-platform compatibility. One of the biggest challenges in big data collection is the lack of standardization between collection sources. They just aren’t able to talk to each other. With FluentD, you can address one of the biggest challenges to big data log collection.
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What's in store in 2023 for the tech industry?

The tech scene is expanding rapidly across the world. In fact, in the last year alone, within the UK, a new tech unicorn was created every eleven days - more than doubling the number of UK unicorns from 2017. From AI and automation, to DevOps and data engineering, innovations are continuing to reshape and improve our everyday and working lives, critical at this time of socio economic instability. Here are thoughts from tech leaders, globally, exploring what 2023 has in store.

Understanding InfluxDB IOx and the Commitment to Open Source

If you’ve been following InfluxDB, you’ve probably heard of InfluxDB IOx, the next evolution of the storage engine powering InfluxDB Cloud. However, I wanted to learn more about how the open source components of the new engine help achieve the requirements for the new InfluxDB engine and why they were chosen. This post covers that precise topic. We’ll also learn why InfluxDB chose to contribute to these open source projects and what our commitment to open source looks like today.

5 Approaches to Deep Learning Clustering You Really Need to Know

Data has become the most valuable thing in the modern world. According to earthweb, more than 2.5 quintillion bytes of data will be created every day in 2022. These large quantities of data should be appropriately organized to identify meaningful patterns for decision-making. Techniques like clustering are widely used to efficiently collect data into groups based on their similarities and differences and improve the observability of your data.

Building Firmware Teams in the Modern Era

Modern firmware teams need more than just firmware engineers to be successful. You need team members prepared for development and testing as well as post-launch responsibilities like monitoring if you want to scale your devices successfully. If you don't have some mix of hardware, electrical, software, cloud, DevOps and data engineers on your team, you might have to halt feature development while your firmware engineers spend time writing SQL queries to debug connectivity issues.