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Mobile: The Future is Declarative

The mobile development ecosystem has always been very diverse, arguably more diverse than the web development ecosystem. While it seems like every day there are more frameworks and tools for web developers, a lot of them are built on top of JavaScript and implement similar patterns to each other. The mobile ecosystem, on the other hand, has a core set of languages that make the differences between mobile tools and frameworks much easier to identify.

Announcing Incident Management and Updated Dashboards

Over the last few years, many customers have asked us to update our current public dashboards with new features so they can more effectively communicate what is happening with their checks to external customers or internal users. We’ve taken that input to heart, and we’re pleased to announce the availability of redesigned dashboards for Checkly.

How To Record a Podcast on Your Phone

Contrary to popular belief, you don't need an expensive recording studio or a tonne of equipment to create a fantastic podcast. Your smartphone is an excellent recording device if you're just starting out in podcasting or if you're an experienced podcaster seeking a super-compact setup for podcasting on the go. You may record a podcast on your phone in just a few easy steps by following the instructions provided below. But before that, let us see what all you need to record a podcast on your phone.

Prioritizing Platform Stability at One of FastCo.'s Most Innovative Companies of 2022

The fitness industry is no stranger to ‘smart’ equipment, and what distinguishes one product from another ultimately comes down to user experience. Product success depends on stability, something top of mind for developers at Tonal. Ranked as one of New York Magazine’s best smart home training solutions 2022 and Men’s Health’s best connected cable machine 2022, Tonal literally sets the bar for smart home trainers.

How to Get Started with Software Testing

You’ve forgotten to add frontend validation to number fields, and now people are getting an error when they enter text into those fields. However, this is an issue that’s easily preventable—by implementing a proper test that checks for edge cases, but how do get started with software testing? Avoiding bugs in production is just one advantage of testing, it also helps you be more confident about your applications, opens up the potential for a full CI/CD pipeline, and much more.