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Open sourcing our pay calculator

We all know that pay is just as hard as it is important. Having a team distributed over 11+ countries makes pay even harder than in a traditional setup. I joined Checkly in mid-2021 with the promise of a fair and transparent culture in a remote tech startup and my goal was clear: make Checkly one of the best employers in our industry. A topic that I wanted to tackle early on was pay. How can we make pay less nebulous and more transparent, fair, and predictable?

Significance Of Ethical Artificial Intelligence (AI) Solutions

In recent years, Artificial Intelligence (AI) development has increased rapidly. Technology has steadily been integrated into the economic and industrial worlds and everyday life in South Africa and worldwide to make our daily activities more convenient and straightforward. Chatbots are becoming increasingly popular for agents to provide better customer care. At the same time, AI in marketing may help determine the optimal moment to engage with a customer via email or social media.

Linux and embedded system: What you should know

Open-source software and embedded Linux? Ever-proliferating cybersecurity concerns? Get up-to-speed with the current status in the embedded landscape with this short video. And if you are longing for more and want to know why Linux is the OS of choice for embedded systems, check the ultimate guide to Linux for embedded applications. In this exclusive webinar, you will learn more about the embedded landscape, the IoT and how Ubuntu Core is raising the bar for embedded Linux.

Apache Kafka made simple

Aiven’s fully managed data solutions take the pain out of getting your Apache Kafka® clusters up and running. Everything is already set up for you. Just select the services and tools you need, pick a cloud provider and your storage needs, and you’re good to go. You can deploy Kafka and everything else you need in under 10 minutes. We offer rock solid, reliable, open source data infra – with no hidden costs.

Apache Kafka that works for you

Aiven’s fully managed data solutions take the pain out of getting Apache Kafka® up and running, and give you the tools you love to work the way you choose. Just select the services and tools you need, pick a cloud provider and your storage needs, and you’re good to go. Use our intuitive Console, or set up infrastructure as code using Terraform, Kubernetes or CLI. Whichever route you take, you'll get Kafka deployed with everything else you need in under 10 minutes.

Pop the pain away - with Aiven (20 sec)

Don't stress! Aiven’s fully managed data solutions take the pain out of cloud infra – everything is already set up for you. Just select the services and tools you need, pick a cloud provider and your storage needs, and you’re good to go. You can deploy a cluster in under 10 minutes. We offer rock solid, reliable, open source data infra – with no hidden costs.

Most-Loved Open Source Tools: Free solutions recommended by IT Pros

The best free and open-source software are tools that users simply cannot live without — they make everyday tasks on Windows, Mac, and Linux easy without any of the associated costs or licensing fees that come with pay-to-play solutions. For some quick background, open-source software took off during the earlier days of IT in the late 1990s and has changed the world ever since.

Pandora FMS wins the Open Source Excellence 2022 award along with four other SourceForge awards

We love uploading this kind of post to our blog. Articles in which we boast about our work and where all the effort of our team throughout the year comes to light. Because yes, we are rewarded once more, Pandora FMS is proclaimed winner in several categories in the SourceForge Awards. No more and no less than four awards, including the Open Source Excellence 2022 award, possibly one of the most desired and disputed in the industry in this specific sector.