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How (not) to test signup and keep your CEO happy

One of Checkly's strengths is the capability to monitor key transactions on your site. It'd be missed opportunity if we didn't reuse it to monitor our own product! But for some important flows that comes with a couple of pitfalls. In this post, we'll take a closer look at how we monitor one of our top key flows: signup.

IoT Security: How Important are Logs for System?

IoT has rapidly moved from a fringe technology to a mainstream collection of techniques, protocols, and applications that better enable you to support and monitor a highly distributed, complex system. One of the most critical challenges to overcome is processing an ever-growing stream of analytics data, from IoT security data to business insights, coming from each device. Many protocols have been implemented for this, but could logs provide a powerful option for IoT data and IoT monitoring?

Can artificial intelligence really improve customer experience?

“Try turning it off and on again.” This advice normally works for my mom, but not for me. When I needed to present at an event last year, I got frustrated when I couldn’t connect to the network. The front desk at the venue referred me to technical services. “Uh-oh,” I thought. “Here we go.” But I was wrong. The technical services person quickly assessed my level of know-how and adjusted her talk track to cater to my needs.

6 Tips For Choosing A Good IT Consulting Company

In the past couple of years, the hunt for consulting companies has drastically increased, because business owners know how beneficial they can be for their businesses because they always come up with fresh ideas, solutions, and perspectives. Additionally, they are usually capable of giving experts advice when it comes to Human Resources, IT management, and many other fields. That's precisely why it's always recommendable to have a knowledgeable IT consultant by your side.

How AIOps Can Help Retailers Improve the Digital Experience

More than 2.14 billion global consumers are expected to buy goods and services online in 2021, according to Statista. That is up 29% from 1.66 billion digital customers just six years ago. This rapid change in shopping habits is driving retailers’ digital transformations and ever more advanced technologies. Many retailers have begun automating back office functions like claims processing, accounting and inventory management.

Insights from the 2022 Gartner Report on AI for CSP Networks and how Autonomous Network Monitoring Fits In

Last month Gartner published its first ever “Market Guide for AI Offerings in CSP Network Operations,” and we’re excited to share that Anodot has been identified as a Representative Vendor in the report. According to the Gartner report, “CSPs are focusing on automation of their network operations to improve efficiency and customer experience, and mitigate security concerns.” The market guide presents many new and actionable insights.

Announcing HAProxy Data Plane API 2.5

The focus of the 2.5 version was on expanding support for HAProxy configuration keywords, and that’s where most of the effort during this release cycle was spent. We will continue doing that during the next couple of versions to gain complete feature parity with both the HAProxy configuration and Runtime API so that you can use the Data Plane API as a full-featured way to configure HAProxy.

10 Best Machine Learning Algorithms

Though we’re living through a time of extraordinary innovation in GPU-accelerated machine learning, the latest research papers frequently (and prominently) feature algorithms that are decades, in certain cases 70 years old. Some might contend that many of these older methods fall into the camp of ‘statistical analysis’ rather than machine learning, and prefer to date the advent of the sector back only so far as 1957, with the invention of the Perceptron.

How Important Are SMS Services in the Era of Digitalization

SMS services have been around for a long time, and they are still an important part of communication today. In this blog post, we will discuss the importance of SMS services in the era of digitalization. We will also look at how businesses can benefit from using SMS services to communicate with their customers.

Why You Shouldn't Blame Artificial Intelligence for Poor Recruiting Processes

A few stories have emerged lately about how companies are having difficulty hiring enough people to fill key positions. These articles allege that automated talent acquisition (TA) or Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) reject millions of candidates solely due to minor flaws in their applications such as gaps in their work histories, failing to meet a long list of exacting job requirements, or failing to use the language of the job description on their resume.