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How we optimized Python API server code 100x

Python code optimization may seem easy or hard depending on the performance target. If the target is “best effort”, carefully choosing the algorithm and applying well-known common practices is usually enough. If the target is dictated by the UX, you have to go down a few abstraction layers and hack the system sometimes. Or rewrite the underlying libraries. Or change the language, really. This post is about our experience in Python code optimizations when whatever you do is not fast enough.

Apache Flink SQL Ask-Me-Anything

One of the greatest things about Apache Flink (and there are many!) is that it’s available in a variety of programming languages: from the low level APIs accessible in Java and Scala all the way to Python and SQL. The Flink SQL APIs offer very powerful SQL with many useful features and functions: spanning from the definition of time windows, late events or aggregations and also covering advanced topics like pattern detection via MATCH_RECOGNIZE.

How Aiven helps you build engineering value

Companies trust engineers to write code and build systems that create value for their customers. But all too often, engineers are not included when procuring the software or services that they will use every day. Today our Solution Architect Jason Hepp will tell you how Aiven empowers your engineers with the right tools and provides intrinsic trust and value in your organization.

Cloud-Native Infrastructure Automation - The Key to 5G Success

5G has proven to be a game-changer for several businesses. Given the advancements in O-RAN contributed by cloud-native design & 5G Core, telecommunication vendors, Communication Service Providers (CSPs), and enterprises are trying to deliver an extraordinary customer experience by leveraging 5G. This also presents a massive opportunity for service providers to simplify and enhance customer experience, fortify existing revenue streams, and tap into new markets.

Network Management In The Age Of AI

Change is critical to growth. Especially if you’re running a business in today’s volatile market. The silver lining is that we are at the peak of innovation, moving forward from a decade filled with disruptions, catalysing transformations. Over the years, enterprise IT has evolved to play a more significant role in business. Innovation, macro-economic factors, unexpected disruptions, and other internal and external factors have caused the change.

Colt Technology Services selects Infovista KLERITY to deliver VoIP Service Assurance across its international network

Major project upgrades end-to-end service quality assurance supporting latest specifications and encryption types within an expandable framework built for emerging use cases such as multi tenancy and machine learning.

Golang Testing Frameworks for Every Type of Test

While Go provides a testing package and a go test command, the former only offers basic testing capabilities. The package also has some drawbacks, such as missing assertions and increasing repetition with large-scale tests. As a result, several Go testing frameworks have been created to augment it. Go testing frameworks consist of tools and resources for creating and designing tests. Some of these frameworks incorporate the testing package and go test command, while others take a different approach.