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For Every Github Action...

On Nov 13, 2019 Github made it’s CI/CD solution GitHub Actions generally available to the world. Since then tens of thousands of shared workflows have been published. It is now the default for most Github projects given how easy it is to integrate with an existing repo. Projects of all sizes have adopted it from our homegrown Terraform module to the Docker Cli. This is why at Speedscale we’ve published a template for how to use Speedscale in conjunction with GitHub Actions.

Delivering Better Service Experiences with AI-Powered Agents

For the last two years, it’s an understatement to say we’ve witnessed big shifts in the relationship between most employees and their work environment. Many of us saw our work experience transform seemingly overnight into predominately a digital one as working from home became the ‘new normal.’

Tracing on the Race Track

Today is test day at Curborough Sprint Track, and the University of Nottingham’s Race Team is taking its creation out for a spin. Frankie is their fully electric 2WD vehicle, able to achieve speeds of up to 80mph (129 km/h). The Team uses Tracealyzer to test the functionality of their embedded software; while writing the code, to record the trace while Frankie is running, and to review the data afterwards. And with great results.

Using authentication decorators in Flask

Has your team worked on an API and wanted (somehow) to implement more powerful security features? If you are dissatisfied with the level of security in an API, there are solutions for improving it! In this tutorial, I will lead you through the process of creating API endpoints that are secured with authentication tokens. Using these endpoints, we will be able to make requests to the Flask API only for authenticated users.

Getting Started with the InfluxDB API

This article was written by Nicolas Bohorquez. Scroll below for the author’s picture and bio. Time series databases, like InfluxDB, index data by time. They are very efficient at recording constant streams of data, like server metrics, application monitoring data, sensor reports, and any data containing a timestamp. Data in a time series database is always written with the most recent data values but with the previous values not updated.

Design Considerations for Software Distribution to Edge & IoT Applications

Make no mistake: You can’t overlook software distribution in DevOps. At risk are the reliability, security and speed of your software releases — and your business itself. This is especially true in enterprises that are releasing across numerous edge endpoints or IoT devices. As your releases’ cadence and payload grow, software distribution challenges multiply, particularly at the edge.

AWS' Newest Official Partner: Speedscale

Speedscale is excited to join the AWS Partner Network (APN), the global community of partners who leverage Amazon Web Services (AWS) to build solutions and services for customers. AWS Partners are uniquely positioned to help businesses take full advantage of all that AWS has to offer and accelerate the journey to the cloud. As part of this achievement, Speedscale has completed the AWS Foundational Technical Review (FTR).

10 tips for log shipping using Fluentd

Fluentd is an open-source data collector that unifies data collection and consumption. It has different types of plugins that retrieve logs from external sources, parse them, and send them to log management tools like Site24x7 AppLogs. tail, forward, udp, tcp, http, syslog, exec, and windows_eventlog are common input plugins.