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InfluxDB Community Office Hours - June 2020

InfluxDB Community Office Hours are one-hour, monthly online sessions, held on the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 10:00 am Pacific Time, by our Influxers to answer your questions about any topic related to InfluxDB or time series. We host this monthly live webinar so that users can directly ask a panel of Influxers questions and talk in real time. We record these sessions and post them on YouTube. InfluxDB Community Office Hours are part of our commitment to open source, developer happiness, and time to awesome.

A Million Dollar Knob: S3 Object Lifecycle Optimization

At Sumo Logic, we manage petabytes of unstructured log data as part of our core log search and analytics offering. Multiple terabytes of data are indexed every day and stored persistently in AWS S3. When a query is executed against this data via UI, API, scheduled search or pre-installed apps, the indexed files are retrieved from S3 and cached in a custom read-through cache for these AWS S3 objects. For the most part, the caching scheme for S3 objects works reasonably well.

Sink or Swim: What We Learned Helping Customers Navigate the Pandemic

From the first stay-at-home order, we have been working alongside our customers — from a distance, of course — and we helped them through a new and changing reality. As a customer success organization, we help customers leverage the tools and solutions they have, troubleshoot issues and optimize their business with the intent of helping customers be nimble and adjust to the changing conditions and uncertainties in the market.

Become an InfluxDB Inventor

As InfluxDB continues to grow and improve, more and more developers are using it as the platform of choice for their own solutions. Most of these solutions range from filling niche internal needs to solving common problems faced by entire industries, but some of them are extraordinary for their impact, innovation, or how much they push the boundaries of what is possible with the technology. In order to recognize those, we are launching the InfluxDB Inventors program.

Logstash Grok Tutorial with Examples

Logstash can parse CSV and JSON files easily, but that’s because data in those formats are perfectly organized and ready for Elasticsearch analysis. Sometimes, though, we need to work with unstructured data, like plain-text logs for example. In these cases, we’ll need to parse the data to make it structured data using Logstash Grok. This tutorial will enable you to take full advantage of Elasticsearch’s analysis and querying capabilities by parsing with Logstash Grok.

Maximizing Your Splunk Investment: Introducing Splunk Lantern

Congratulations, you just bought Splunk! You made a great decision, and now it's time to start solving all those business problems on your plate. Maybe you are trying to reduce the time spent managing cyber risks from hours to minutes. Or you might be executing a digital transformation of your customer experience. Or perhaps you are trying to save $70 million dollars in an IT consolidation project. But you have just one question: how?

Anodot - Autonomous Business Monitoring

Business metrics are notoriously hard to monitor because of their unique context and volatile nature. Anodot’s Business Monitoring platform uses machine learning to constantly analyze and correlate every business parameter, providing real-time alerts and forecasts in their context. Anodot reduces detection and resolution for revenue-critical issues by as much as 70%. We have your back, so you’re free to play the offense and grow your business.