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Searching for Actionable Signals: A Closer Look at Time Series Data Anomaly Detection

Simple enough to be embedded in text as a sparkline, but able to speak volumes about your business, time series data is the basic input of Anodot’s automated anomaly detection system. This article begins our three-part series in which we take a closer look at the specific techniques Anodot uses to extract insights from your data.

How Graylog's Advanced Functionalities Help You Make Sense of All Your Data

The inherent limitations of most log managers and the need to work within the constraints of your current hardware may force your enterprise to make some hard choices. Less useful data may be left unchecked, old information will eventually get deleted, and the amount of data that is accessed in real-time is sacrificed to reduce excess workload.

Case Study: How the Largest Nordic Bank Improved Compliance & Ensured Comprehensive Data Protection

This bank needed to upgrade their customer recording communications analysis & troubleshooting abilities, to comply with required regulations. It was also important for them to identify and resolve problems proactively. By implementing XpoLog they managed to significantly shorten the ‘loss-of-recording’ durations, perform quick troubleshooting and get to the root cause fast. Their ability to analyze/monitor their environments became much simpler and more efficient.

Case Study: How did a leading ad-tech firm increase application quality & lower response time/AWS costs?

The firm runs hundreds of services which optimize online advertising. The company utilizes large amounts of data which is located both on-premise and on AWS. They wanted to: By using XpoLog the company created a single location that manages all the information from all the sources. The information is shipped to the XpoLog cluster and tagged to the relevant service/team. XpoLog is deployed and managed on AWS spot instances, reducing approximately 90% of the required hardware costs! Try XpoLog free.