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The latest News and Information on API Development, Management, Monitoring, and related technologies.

Monitor your gRPC APIs with Datadog Synthetic Monitoring

gRPC is an open source Remote Procedure Call (RPC) framework developed by Google and released in 2016. Although gRPC is still relatively new, large organizations are adopting it in increasing numbers to build APIs to connect complex microservice meshes that use disparate languages and frameworks. gRPC-based APIs can process requests up to seven times faster than REST APIs, and they also allow customers to easily implement SSL authentication, load balancing, and tracing via plug-in libraries.

Postman Load Test Tutorial

In this load test tutorial, you’ll learn how to use Postman for small-scale API testing. You’ll also learn about some shortcomings and challenges of the framework that can be solved by using a tool like Speedscale. Because HTTP services don’t have a graphical user interface, you’re forced to test web APIs by simulating requests from a known client so that you can control the traffic data.

The basics: How to use the StatusCake API

We offer an API that provides direct access to features the platform offer, with each feature providing a set of endpoints to perform operations on resources associated with your account. The StatusCake control panel offers plenty of useful visualisations and alerting systems so you can be in touch with your data, but sometimes we may have use-cases where we would rather leverage the API so in this blog post we’re going to see how we can make use of these endpoints using C#.

API mock testing with Nock

For the latest full-stack applications to work, a backend service is required. That is especially true when the frontend service depends on the backend service to render data. In many cases, it can be difficult to replicate the setup of the backend services so that you can test the application. This tutorial will show you how to mock HTTP requests from an API so that you can test endpoints without actually calling them in your tests.

APIs for IT Monitoring Solutions

The majority of monitoring and management solutions used in enterprises provide their customers with APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) and a CLI to facilitate DevOps type workflows. With IaC (Infrastructure as Code) becoming de facto and ubiquitous, decent APIs have long been a must have on product evaluation checklists; there are of course a few exceptions – namely products aimed only at SMB (Small and Medium Business), immature startups, or freeware.

Interacting With Your First Shipa API Call with Postman

The beauty of Shipa is that no matter how the surrounding ecosystem changes e.g your Continuous Delivery or Infrastructure-as-Code stacks, the Shipa API stays the same. If you are curious about interacting with this mystical API, there are a lot of surrounding integrations that do that for you. Though, if you want to directly interact with the API, you can send out HTTP requests to the Shipa API itself to create any sort of integration you require.

API & HTTP Headers: How to Use Request Headers in API Checks

In previous posts we covered why it’s important to monitor APIs and how to monitor and validate data from APIs. In this post we’ll focus on a simple but key feature that helps Splunk Synthetic Monitoring users create robust checks for availability, response time, and multi-step processes: Request Headers