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The latest News and Information on Application Performance Monitoring and related technologies.

Citrix Performance Monitoring: What, Why and How

Organizations in all verticals and sizes are deploying digital workspaces to offer secure, remote access to employees and partners – in many cases, across a wide area of networks. Citrix workspace technologies are the most popular form of digital workspaces. In this blog, we discuss what is Citrix monitoring, why it is important, and what tools you need to monitor Citrix infrastructures effectively to ensure optimal digital employee experience (DEX).

Cloud Application Performance Monitoring

Source: APM in the new normal, survey by eG Innovations and DevOps Institute Cloud adoption is increasing at a rapid pace. The eG Innovations & DevOps Institute APM survey indicates that 88% of organizations are using at least one form of cloud technology. Organizations move to the cloud for agility – they can deploy and have applications running in the cloud in minutes. Cloud computing also offers options for high availability, automated backups, and such.

System Monitoring for AWS EC2 Cloud Instances with AWS CloudWatch

In this blog post, I follow on from my previous blog on AWS CloudWatch Part 1 of 2 to explore how you can go beyond basic agentless CloudWatch monitoring by deploying the CloudWatch agent and some of the key information and planning you need to do this. I’ll also cover how eG Enterprise offers out-of-the-box functionality to avoid complex JSON scripting or tooling to implement monitoring.

What is Application Performance Management (APM)?

Your business can live or die based on the performance of the applications through which your customers access it. For a large company, downtime can mean thousands of dollars in lost revenue. Problems arising that make your application unusable could push away new customers who must instead move towards solutions who have stayed on top of their problems. In this digital world, most businesses highly depend on software to monitor and support various elements.

Prefix Premium - Profile, Test & Fix Code As Your Write It

Like all of us today, I’m buying more and more products and services online. But even the slightest hiccup in my digital experience might cause me to switch vendors. Multiply that risk by millions – the result of digital commerce growing at an exponential rate – and it’s easy to see how bad user experiences could literally sink a company.

End User Experience Monitoring: Why You Need It

These days, a new venture’s success begins and ends on customer experience. Due to a large number of similar digital products out there, end users will stop using a product immediately if the user experience is not seamless. Similarly, a mobile application delivering a substandard user experience (UX) will fall behind the competition. A good digital product can turn into a failure if it does not work for the end user.