Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud


Webinar | Effective Incident Management: How to Improve DevOps Efficiency

During this session, Mattermost VP of Engineering Chris Overton and Customer Engineer Paul Rothrock share their experiences creating best practice incident response workflows and demonstrate how real-time messaging enables DevOps teams accelerate incident response times.

Mattermost integrations: Sending and receiving data with the Mattermost API

In the first three installments in this series, you learned how to send and request data with outgoing webhooks, incoming webhooks, and slash commands. In this article, you learn how to do this with the Mattermost API. Setting up webhooks or slash commands in Mattermost is very easy. Using the Mattermost API requires a few more steps. At the same time, the API is way more versatile and powerful than the other methods. Once you have made your first connection to the API, you will love it!

Why we built Mattermost Cloud

Mattermost Cloud offers our trusted Mattermost self-managed collaboration platform as a software-as-a-service and removes the burden of administration. Organizations are adopting cloud strategies and moving to cloud software. There are costs associated with hosting and securing software, especially in a highly available environment. Deploying and maintaining a self-hosted environment requires expertise and an upfront investment of infrastructure.

GitKraken Tips VIII

We know, there’s a lot to love about the legendary GitKraken Git GUI. 😉 So much so, that you might not even know about some of the magical capabilities hiding beneath your fingertips. Our #GitKrakenTip series is meant to shed light on the unique delights offered by your favorite coding Kraken. The GitKraken graph offers a beautiful, technicolor visualization of your Git repository, but sometimes, you need to see more details related to your commits.