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How Digital Workflows Help your Business

Digital transition is evident in various business sectors such as customer management, operation process, production, and marketing. Modern organizations invest in automation tools to improve their work efficiency and productivity. Digitalization has impressively transformed various aspects of the business process, thus offering a comprehensive workflow meaning. It's an exclusive additive that triggers automation in workflow tasks and stages. This eliminates potential errors, saves time and cost, and improves business productivity.

10 Best Machine Learning Algorithms

Though we’re living through a time of extraordinary innovation in GPU-accelerated machine learning, the latest research papers frequently (and prominently) feature algorithms that are decades, in certain cases 70 years old. Some might contend that many of these older methods fall into the camp of ‘statistical analysis’ rather than machine learning, and prefer to date the advent of the sector back only so far as 1957, with the invention of the Perceptron.

Sprint planning - How to prioritize urgent production issues?

Small engineering team members wear a lot of hats while working on a product. It becomes hard to prioritize and deal with issues that arise during production when a sprint is already planned and put in place. This not only makes sprints harder to plan but also reduces accountability. How do you tackle this problem and make sure your engineering team does not burn out at the same time? Let’s list down a couple of characteristics of this engineering team that is quite common across the board.

Crossing K8s Monitoring and Observability Gaps With Change Intelligence

Recently we had the privilege of being named a Gartner Cool Vendor in the Monitoring and Observability category. The funny thing is, while this is definitely the closest Gartner category for our solution, we aren’t really used to thinking about Komodor as a monitoring and observability tool.

Top 13 Site Reliability Engineer (SRE) Tools

The role and responsibilities of a site reliability engineer (SRE) may vary depending on the size of the organization, and as such, so do site reliability engineer tools. For the most part, a site reliability engineer is focused on multiple tasks and projects at one time, so for most SREs, the various tools they use reflect their eve-evolving responsibilities.

How Important Are SMS Services in the Era of Digitalization

SMS services have been around for a long time, and they are still an important part of communication today. In this blog post, we will discuss the importance of SMS services in the era of digitalization. We will also look at how businesses can benefit from using SMS services to communicate with their customers.

Why You Shouldn't Blame Artificial Intelligence for Poor Recruiting Processes

A few stories have emerged lately about how companies are having difficulty hiring enough people to fill key positions. These articles allege that automated talent acquisition (TA) or Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) reject millions of candidates solely due to minor flaws in their applications such as gaps in their work histories, failing to meet a long list of exacting job requirements, or failing to use the language of the job description on their resume.

How to secure your CI pipeline

Many enterprises still struggle to get security right. To protect their business, it is critical they focus on security during the entire infrastructure and application lifecycle, including continuous integration (CI). Developers are becoming more autonomous as they transition to a DevOps way of working, with more people requiring access to production systems.

Understanding Service Management and Its Benefits

Organizations are increasingly reliant on their internal IT teams to supply business-critical services and operations in today’s business climate. As IT activities become more integrated into business operations, more and more IT departments are opting to implement service management best practices, to meet the evolving requirements of the businesses. But what is service management? Let’s look!

SquaredUp 5.4: New ODBC data source

We just released the new SquaredUp 5.4 with some brilliant new features. Taking center stage was the new ODBC data source. (If you missed the release announcement you can catch up by reading the quick overview blog post where you can also watch the full release webinar.) With SquaredUp 5.4, you can now instantly visualize any data from almost any database with the addition of ODBC.