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Top 8 Open Source Dashboards

Before exploring open-source dashboard tools, we first need to learn about Dashboards and how they can be useful. A dashboard is a data visualization and management tool that visually tracks and analyzes the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), business analytics metrics, infrastructure health and status, and data points for an organization, team, or process. It can be used to present operational and analytical business data with interactive data visualizations to your team.

9 Best Open Source Network Monitoring Tools

Network monitoring is a critical component of your network management strategy that provides valuable insights into network-related problems which can affect your organization. When you monitor networks regularly, you'll mitigate risks like overloaded networks, router problems, downtime, cybercrime, and data loss. Network monitoring lets you: All successful companies invest in network monitoring tools that provide accurate insights into performance, speed, security, and productivity.

Customers Demand Interoperability and Open Standards Are the Key

When I speak with customers, especially chief information security officers (CISOs), one of their most consistent requests is that they want interoperability. They want the software they buy to work with the software they have and plan to buy in the future. Nearly every organization, certainly every enterprise company, has an installed base of hardware and software representing a significant investment in time and money.

We Just Gave $260,028 to Open Source Maintainers

Sentry is an open source company, and it’s important to us to financially support our non-commercial colleagues in the community as we continue to enjoy commercial success. We’ve given money forever, but last year we really got organized and gave $154,999.89 to 108 recipients. Two points make a line, and this year we are back with a continuation of the industry-leading open source funding program we put in place last year.

VMware alternatives: discover open source

Think open source – the world’s leading software portfolio. Open-source software enables you to build fully functional virtualisation and cloud infrastructure while ensuring total cost of ownership (TCO) reduction and business continuity. In this blog, we will walk you through the open source ecosystem. We will help you understand how it differs from other VMware alternatives by answering five common questions.

Kubeflow just applied to join CNCF - what does it mean for you?

Google just announced that they have submitted an application for Kubeflow to become an incubating project in the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF). It is an initiative supported by the Kubeflow Project Steering group. The request is visible to everyone and it represents a game changer for the rhythm which Kubeflow will develop. It makes community growth a strategic objective and puts Kubeflow on a development fast track.

Komodor Introduces New Companion Tool For Helm

Today, I am happy to see the public release of Helm-Dashboard, Komodor’s second open-source project, after ValidKube, and my first since joining the team as Head of Open Source. It’s a compelling challenge to try and solve the pain points of Helm users, but more than anything it’s a labor of love. So it is with love that we’re now sharing this project with the community, and I’m excited to imagine where it will go from here.

We're listening! Leveling up how we gather, review, and respond to product feedback.

The Bitbucket Cloud (BCLOUD) project is an invaluable source of customer-requested product features, enhancements, and suggestions. As Bitbucket Cloud has continued to grow, we’ve built up quite a backlog! To streamline the process, we recently implemented an in-product form as a replacement for manual issue submission. Entering feedback about Bitbucket Cloud is now easier than ever!