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The latest News and Information on Monitoring for Websites, Applications, APIs, Infrastructure, and other technologies.

Monitoring Flask apps with Datadog

Flask is a Python framework known for its ease of use. It inherits Python’s advantages of extensibility, broad support, and relative simplicity. It’s known as a microframework because it relies on extensions for much of its functionality. Flask avoids constraining the developer to a predetermined database or authentication mechanism, for example, and instead leaves room for choice.

Improve the Productivity of Relationship Managers and Financial Advisors with Business iQ

Every job has its mundane administrative tasks, and we all hate them. In the world of wealth management, relationship managers are pressured to serve as many existing customers and prospects as they can with the ultimate goal of increasing the assets under management (AUM)—one of the key metrics used to measure their productivity. Similarly, in the insurance industry, financial advisors are driven to maximize their time with clients.

From Keymetrics to PM2 +

5 years. It's been an amazing journey to build Keymetrics and PM2 through the last 5 years. I've started to create PM2 when Node.js was at the beginning of its fame, then Keymetrics was built a year after. I would like to say THANK YOU, to all of you, users, customers, teammates, maintainers, contributors for having made these softwares reach this height.

Air Quality Sensors and IoT Systems Monitoring

2017 was a bad year for fires in California. The Tubbs Fire in Sonoma County in October destroyed whole neighborhoods and sent toxic smoke south through most of the San Francisco Bay Area. The Air Quality Index (AQI) for parts of that area went up past the unhealthy level (101–150) to the hazardous level (301–500) at certain points during the fire. Once word got out that N99 dust masks were needed to keep the harmful particles out of the lungs, they became a common sight.

GalaxZ18 Opening Keynote - Greg Stock, Chairman & CEO, Zenoss

Zenoss Chairman and CEO Greg Stock kicks off GalaxZ18 with an inside look into the company’s breakthrough journey as an IT infrastructure management company. Through digital transformation, cloud evolution, and an intelligent IT operations management (ITOM) platform, Zenoss provides IT monitoring solutions to manage any enterprise IT infrastructure.