Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud


The latest News and Information on Monitoring for Websites, Applications, APIs, Infrastructure, and other technologies.

Heroku Monitoring: Visualization and Understanding Data

Data visualization is a way to make sense of the vast amount of information generated in the digital world. By converting raw data into a more understandable format, such as charts, graphs, and maps, it enables humans to see patterns, trends, and insights more quickly and easily. This helps in better decision making, strategic planning, and problem-solving. Visualization and understanding data are critical in platform-as-a-service (PaaS) offerings like Heroku.

Data-driven Network Observability

The network may be the last thing most people think about, but it’s one of the most crucial components of application delivery. Here we discuss the importance of a data-driven approach to network observability. We unpack how Kentik’s approach to machine learning, big data, and a unified data repository can help network operations solve problems faster to ensure a reliable network with great application performance.

Is your cloud provider executing network maintenance? Yes, yes they are.

What happens to your apps when your cloud provider performs network maintenance? Kentik helps you monitor your app’s network paths and performance on premises, in the cloud, and in between. Kentik can show you the paths your app uses during normal operations and detect any changes that could cause decreased application performance. Public cloud maintenance is necessary, and with Kentik’s network observability platform, you can see exactly when your cloud provider is doing it and how it’s affecting your application traffic.

Using Synthetic Testing for Better Network Observability with Kentik

Mike Krygeris discusses using synthetic testing to maximize network performance and minimize downtime in today’s complex cloud, hybrid, and private on-prem networks. Learn how synthetic testing can help increase observability in all types of networks and web applications.

Time Series Is out of This World: Data in the Space Sector

While time series data is critical for space industries, managing that data is not always straightforward. While humans have yet to develop light-speed travel, teleportation or lots of the other cool things we see in movies or read in books, that doesn’t mean we aren’t making progress. Advances in technology are starting, ever so slowly, to blur the lines between science fiction and reality when it comes to outer space.

What Is Infrastructure as Code? How It Works, Best Practices, Tutorials

In the past, managing IT infrastructure was a hard job. System administrators had to manually manage and configure all of the hardware and software that was needed for the applications to run. However, in recent years, things have changed dramatically. Trends like cloud computing revolutionized—and improved—the way organizations design, develop, and maintain their IT infrastructure.

A better Grafana OnCall: Delivering on features for users at scale

Enterprise IT is just a different animal. Whether it’s operating at scale, undertaking massive migrations, working across scores of teams, or addressing tight security requirements, engineers at these organizations can face different obstacles than their counterparts at smaller organizations and startups.

Cribl Reference Architecture Series: Scaling Effectively for a High Volume of Agents

In this livestream, Cribl’s Ahmed Kira and I explore the challenges of scaling your Cribl Stream architecture to accommodate a large number of agents, providing valuable insights on what you need to consider when expanding your Cribl Stream deployment. Managing data flows from a high volume of agents presents a unique set of challenges that need to be addressed.