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The latest News and Information on Monitoring for Websites, Applications, APIs, Infrastructure, and other technologies.

10 Best New Relic Alternatives & Competitors [2023 Comparison]

New Relic is a huge name in the website observability and analytics industry. They’ve carved out a space for themselves in a highly competitive monitoring space, and have garnered thousands of users and hundreds of millions in revenue. New Relic is known for its Infrastructure Monitoring capabilities, but it also has a number of other tools that are just as popular. But, New Relic is not so popular with everyone.

What's New in Microsoft System Center Orchestrator 2022 UR1

Automation is at the heart of modern IT operations, and Microsoft System Center Orchestrator (SCO) has long been a vital tool in the arsenal of IT professionals. With each new release, Microsoft takes a step forward in refining and expanding the capabilities of SCO. This blog post will explore the exciting features and enhancements introduced in Microsoft System Center Orchestrator 2022 Update Rollup 1 (UR1).

Running OpenSearch on Kubernetes With Its Operator

If you’re thinking of running OpenSearch on Kubernetes, you have to check out the OpenSearch Kubernetes Operator. It’s by far the easiest way to get going, you can configure pretty much everything and it has nice functionality, such as rolling upgrades and draining nodes before shutting them down. Let’s get going 🙂

Monitoring virtual machines with Prometheus and Graphite

Virtual machines give you a flexible and convenient environment where people can access different operating systems, networks, and storage while still using the same computer. This prevents them from purchasing extra machines, switching to other devices, and maintaining them. This helps companies to save costs and increase task efficiency. Although using VMs for everyday tasks may be enjoyable, ensuring consistent performance and performing maintenance can be daunting.

Network Monitoring 101: How To Monitor Networks Effectively

You want your networks to operate seamlessly, but how can you guarantee that your network is performing optimally and without disruptions? Network monitoring can help. Network monitoring means overseeing a network's performance, availability, and overall functionality — allowing you to identify and resolve issues before they impact end-users. Read on for a full understanding.

How to Create a SaaS Spend Management Strategy

Wondering why you’re hearing about SaaS spend management more and more lately? These days, SaaS apps are everywhere, and adoption is still growing at an impressive rate. Gartner projects that SaaS spending will grow over 17% in 2024, with the market exceeding $232 billion. Unfortunately, much of that spend is wasted on zombie apps, overlapping software offerings, as well as under-utilized and over-provisioned licenses.

Introduction to Apache Arrow

A look at what Arrow is, its advantages and how some companies and projects use it. Over the past few decades, using big data sets required businesses to perform increasingly complex analyses. Advancements in query performance, analytics and data storage are largely a result of greater access to memory. Demand, manufacturing process improvements and technological advances all contributed to cheaper memory.

How to resubmit & delete messages in Azure Service Bus dead letter queue?

Azure Service Bus is a cloud messaging service in Microsoft Azure that enables independent applications or services to communicate and exchange data through messages stored in queues or topics. This facilitates scalable and reliable communication in distributed systems. Service Bus contains two types of messaging entities queues, and topics. Queue: Queues transmit the messages in FIFO (First In, First Out) message delivery. Each message in a Queue can be received by only one active receiver.