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Why You Shouldn't Blame Artificial Intelligence for Poor Recruiting Processes

A few stories have emerged lately about how companies are having difficulty hiring enough people to fill key positions. These articles allege that automated talent acquisition (TA) or Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) reject millions of candidates solely due to minor flaws in their applications such as gaps in their work histories, failing to meet a long list of exacting job requirements, or failing to use the language of the job description on their resume.

Efforts to Secure OSS fired up after Log4Shell

Who would have thought software could rattle the White House? But a vulnerability in Log4J, a popular open source software project, exposed critical digital infrastructure to remote code execution attacks. This prompted the US Government to engage big tech, infosec professionals, and open source organizations to come together to help secure open source software.

Robin.io Partners with Lekha Wireless and Blue Arcus to accelerate highly scalable custom carrier-grade network solutions

Highly scalable custom carrier-grade network solutions will be accelerated, thanks to a new partnership. Robin.io, along with Lekha Wireless and Blue Arcus will offer Automation and Orchestration capabilities for the disaggregated 5G market.

Using gRPC with Python

Microservice is now the architecture of choice for many developers when crafting cloud-native applications. A microservices application is a collection of loosely coupled services that communicate with each other, enhancing collaboration, maintainability, scalability, and deployment. There are several options for enabling this communication between microservices. REST is the most popular among developers, sometimes used synonymously with APIs. However, gRPC can be a better alternative to REST.

Getting Started with Skaffold for Kubernetes Deployments

Kubernetes has experienced rapid growth over the years, with a recent post from the Cloud Native Computing Foundation reporting a userbase increase of about 67% in just the past year. Kubernetes is a container orchestration platform that automates how containers are deployed, how they communicate, and how traffic is routed between them; it also scales configurations for both the containerized workloads and the underlying infrastructure that comprises the cluster.

InfluxData Announces New Customers and Accelerated Momentum in Industrial Data and Internet of Things

InfluxData today announced accelerated momentum in Industrial Data and Internet of Things (IoT) driven by new customers, product enhancements and expanded industrial partnerships fueled by the growth of time series data. Customers including Tesla, Rolls Royce, Airbus, Teck, Graco and Graphite Energy are using InfluxDB to collect industrial data from devices and sensors.