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The latest News and Information on APIs, Mobile, AI, Machine Learning, IoT, Open Source and more!

API Gateways are a thing of beauty. Here's why

AWS API Gateway is a completely managed service that makes developers’ job much easier by allowing them to publish, create, monitor, maintain, and secure APIs at any scale. In today’s article, we’ll talk more about API Gateway What is it, why is it so important, as well as how it can help us with?

Why You Should Use API Gateway Proxy Integration With Lambda

Ben Kehoe wrote a post about AWS API Gateway to Lambda integration: How you should — and should not — use API Gateway proxy integration with Lambda. In his post, Ben gave a few reasons why he believes using API Gateway Proxy Integration is an anti-pattern. Ben does a great job summarizing how the integration works. He writes: The pattern that I am recommending against is the “API Gateway proxy integration” as shown in the API Gateway documentation here.

A Guide to Open Source Monitoring Tools

Open source is one of the key drivers of DevOps. The need for flexibility, speed, and cost-efficiency, is pushing organizations to embrace an open source-first approach when designing and implementing the DevOps lifecycle. Monitoring — the process of gathering telemetry data on the operation of an IT environment to gauge performance and troubleshoot issues — is a perfect example of how open source acts as both a driver and enabler of DevOps methodologies.

5 Best Practices for Using AI to Automatically Monitor Your Kubernetes Environment

If you happen to be running multiple clusters, each with a large number of services, you’ll find that it’s rather impractical to use static alerts, such as “number of pods < X” or “ingress requests > Y”, or to simply measure the number of HTTP errors. Values fluctuate for every region, data center, cluster, etc. It’s difficult to manually adjust alerts and, when not done properly, you either get way too many false-positives or you could miss a key event.

AI/ML - Are We Using It in the Right Context?

There used to be a distinct, technical separation between terms such as AI and machine learning (ML) – but only while these technologies remained largely theoretical. As soon as they became practical in the real world, and then commodifiable into products, the marketers stepped in. Widespread overuse of the terms AI/ML in marketing have managed to thoroughly confuse the meanings of these words.

Trigger an on demand uptime & broken links check after a deploy

You can use our API to trigger an on demand run of both the uptime check and the broken links checker. If you add this to, say, your deploy script, you can have near-instant validation that your deploy succeeded and didn't break any links & pages. Our API allows you to trigger an on demand run for every check we do. But, it's an API - so it requires a set of IDs. First, let's find the different checks your site has.

The Importance of Security in IoT

IoT, or the Internet of Things, has made its way into every corner of our lives. Once upon a time, the idea of an inescapable internet may have seemed like a far-off dream. Today, it’s our reality. Internet connected devices are everywhere—from our fitness trackers to our vehicles and appliances. These devices track our sleep patterns, enable us to set our coffee machines remotely, and find our pets after they have wandered off, among countless other tasks.

Machine Data is Business Intelligence for Digital Companies

Software has eaten the world and every company today is a software company. This is because every company today is more and more serving its customers digitally. That service can be a spectrum, such as offering traditional physical products and services through digital channels on one end to offering entirely new digital products on the other end. Regardless of where on the spectrum a company is, it does not change the fact that its primary interface with its customers has become its software.