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The latest News and Information on APIs, Mobile, AI, Machine Learning, IoT, Open Source and more!

Machine learning for cybersecurity: only as effective as your implementation

We recently launched Elastic Security, combining the threat hunting and analytics tools from Elastic SIEM with the prevention and response features of Elastic Endpoint Security. This combined solution focuses on detecting and flexibly responding to security threats, with machine learning providing core capabilities for real-time protections, detections, and interactive hunting. But why are machine learning tools so important in information security? How is machine learning being applied?

Advanced alerting and anywhere alert management for Azure Monitor

Have you ever wanted to get important alerts from Azure Monitor notified on your smartphone and have all the important details of the problem at your fingertips? Have you ever missed the option to easily change the status of alerts from Azure Monitor in the Azure smartphone app? Ever missed a push notification because there was no persistent and advanced alerting? Then this article is for you.

Why K3s Is the Future of Kubernetes at the Edge

By next year the number of connected devices will exceed 20 billion. The vast majority of these devices run on Arm architecture, increasingly at the infrastructure edge. With this growth in mind, the need for an agile, Arm-based development methodology has become increasingly urgent. Arm Neoverse provides the required IP for building the next gen of edge to cloud infrastructure to support the data explosion we are seeing, primarily caused by IoT.

Let's get $100M Serious about Open Source

We as a company, and I as a human have been enormous beneficiaries of open source. I remember as a kid, my brothers setup a Renegade BBS so other people could call our computer. A few years later I built my first server running on NetBSD. And of course, we all used the internet. Open source has powered so much of my life. I still remember my first accepted open-source contribution, it was an incredibly minor fix for an HTML5 Quake game, but wow was I proud.

Demystifying Augmented Analytics

Augmented analytics is trending. You’ve read about it, you’ve heard about it, you may even be in the process of acquiring systems running it. But what exactly is it, and how can you recognize it? As the guys building augmented analytics, we’re here to dispel some of the hype. On the highest level, augmented analytics is the machine learning processes geared at making data more accessible and actionable for both data scientists and business users.

Building Consistent Revenue Monitoring with AI

The digital era has brought vast cultural transformations – the sharing economy, microtransactions, lightning-fast communication and much more. Much of this has also resulted in considerable innovation in revenue-related areas. Companies from various industries today manage a large number of revenue streams from different revenue models.

Enable SSO and MFA by adding SIGNL4 as an enterprise app in Azure Active Directory

This article describes how SIGNL4 can be generally authorized as an enterprise app for Azure AD users (Marketplace Link). This is important if you want to implement the use of SIGNL4 in your company with existing user accounts from the Azure AD.

Five worthy reads: Cybersecurity drift: Leveraging AI and ML to safeguard your network from threats

Five worthy reads is a regular column on five noteworthy items we’ve discovered while researching trending and timeless topics. This week, sticking with October’s cybersecurity awareness theme, we’ll take an in-depth look at both the good and the bad of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) in cybersecurity.