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The latest News and Information on Monitoring for Websites, Applications, APIs, Infrastructure, and other technologies.

Querying InfluxDB 3.0 Using JDBC Driver for Tableau

InfluxDB 3.0 now offers support for connecting Tableau to InfluxDB 3.0 to query data for visualization using the Apache Arrow Flight SQL JDBC driver (Flight SQL driver). In this blog post, we will explore the capabilities and benefits of this integration and provide some instructions on how to connect them.

Decoding Logic App Dilemmas: How to Recurrence Trigger a Logic App at different hours and minutes?

Welcome again to another Decoding Logic App Dilemmas: Solutions for Seamless Integration! This time we will address another widespread problem which is to initiate the workflow at a different timeframe during the day or week with the same Azure Logic App Recurrence Trigger.

Scaling Prometheus with Thanos for Long-Term Data

Prometheus, developed by SoundCloud, is a powerful open-source system for service monitoring and time series data storage. It collects metrics from configured targets, evaluates rule expressions, presents results, and triggers alerts based on defined conditions. Thanos, on the other hand, is a collection of components designed to create a highly available metric system with limitless storage capacity.

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Top 12 Microsoft 365 Metrics

Essential metrics for monitoring M365 environments When it comes to managing your Microsoft 365 environment, monitoring metrics are essential to ensure the health and performance of your systems. With so many different metrics to track, it can be challenging to know where to begin. In this post, we will discuss the top 12 Microsoft 365 monitoring metrics that every expert should be tracking.

Leading oil and gas company saves $100,000 on downtime in a year with Applications Manager

With operations in more than 70 countries, this energy company is one of the leading oil and gas companies in the world. It is involved in every stage of the oil and gas value chain, from exploration and production to refining and marketing. The company is committed to transitioning to a low-carbon energy future and is investing heavily in renewable energy sources to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from its operations. It has set ambitious targets to become a net-zero emissions energy business by 2050.

The generative AI societal shift

Once upon a time, not so long ago, the world was a different place. The idea of a "smartphone" was still a novelty, and the mobile phone was primarily a tool for making calls and, perhaps, sending the occasional text message. Yes, we had "smart" phones, but they were simpler, mostly geared toward business users and mostly used for, well, phone stuff. Web browsing? It was there, but light, not something you'd do for hours.