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The latest News and Information on Monitoring for Websites, Applications, APIs, Infrastructure, and other technologies.

Azure Virtual WAN Observability with Kentik Cloud

Unravel the complexities of managing your corporate network in the cloud with Kentik Cloud. This video highlights how Kentik Cloud provides a comprehensive, always up-to-date visualization of your hybrid Azure infrastructure, including your Virtual WAN configuration. Learn how to quickly and easily navigate through your infrastructure's architectural blueprint, delve into the performance of specific VWAN hubs, and access vital utilization details. See how Kentik Cloud can help turn tedious troubleshooting into an efficient, user-friendly process. Experience firsthand the power and convenience of having crucial network insights right at your fingertips.

Optimize Azure Costs and Boost Network Performance with Kentik

Explore how Kentik's cloud network observability tools can enhance your Microsoft Azure experience. This video demonstrates how Kentik's rich insights can help you troubleshoot faster, optimize costs, and answer questions about your network across major public clouds. Watch a real-world example of how you can use Kentik to identify under-utilized Azure firewalls, consolidate VNets, and effectively reduce your cloud bill. Discover how Kentik's connectivity, device, utilization, and performance data combined with real-time analysis can fast-track problem-solving and optimize resources.

Azure Cost Attribution by Subscription with Kentik Cloud

Maximize your network efficiency and cost management with Kentik Cloud. This video shows how Kentik Cloud's custom dashboards enable you to identify the bandwidth usage associated with each Azure subscription. Learn how to accurately allocate Azure costs to individual teams or business units, and track usage-based performance issues directly to the source. Empower your organization by aligning your hybrid cloud networking with your business needs through the comprehensive insights provided by Kentik Cloud.

Troubleshooting an Azure ExpressRoute with Kentik Cloud

Learn how to effectively troubleshoot your Azure ExpressRoutes using Kentik Cloud. This video offers a step-by-step walkthrough on diagnosing problems and obtaining crucial information on your ExpressRoute traffic, including instance name, application context, and the ExpressRoute circuit name. Uncover how to filter and visualize data to see the usage of your ExpressRoutes and identify potential problems. From monitoring dropped packets to inspecting ExpressRoute metadata, see how Kentik can provide you with a wealth of real-time information to help resolve issues quickly and efficiently.

Benefits of GitOps in IT app development

Benefits of GitOps in IT monitoring The GitOps model has gained popularity as a software development approach. It enables IT teams to deliver higher-quality software faster and more efficiently. By streamlining and automating the development process, GitOps provides substantial productivity improvements while ensuring comprehensive observability for monitoring and control.

Putting the Network in Observability

With the accelerating use of DevOps and cloud-native infrastructure, observability is all the rage. Organizations, large and small, are doing their best to make sense of the logs, metrics and traces generated by their applications to identify performance and availability issues. But what about the network? It seems that many organizations forgot that network telemetry has always been the foundation of any monitoring initiative relating to performance, security, or availability. In this Techstrong Learning Experience, Techstrong Research GM Mike Rothman is joined by Phil Gervasi and Rosalind Whitley from Kentik to discuss how network observability adds depth and context to any APM or security analysis environment. Mike also highlights data from a recent network observability survey done by Techstrong Research. In this learning experience, you’ll learn.

Network visibility makes all the difference! The key to Managed Service Providers to protecting your customer data

In a world where technology is ubiquitous, network security is of paramount importance. Every day that goes by, cybercrime evolves and becomes more sophisticated. They improve the materials of their balaclavas and spend more on incognito sunglasses. In 2015, the damage caused by cybercrime already cost the world 3 trillion dollars, since then the figure has only multiplied. No wonder companies are looking for ways to protect themselves against cyberattacks, don’t you think?