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The latest News and Information on APIs, Mobile, AI, Machine Learning, IoT, Open Source and more!

Graph Observability: Honeycomb and Apollo GraphQL With OpenTelemetry

With David Pickavance, Senior Sales Engineer at Apollo GraphQL Learn how to use Honeycomb, Apollo Studio, and Open Telemetry to optimize GraphQL performance for a federated graph. See how to debug a federated GraphQL query across subgraphs and down to the database layer using Honeycomb.

AI Search: The secret to better customer self-service

Hari Vats, senior knowledge manager of global technical support at ServiceNow, co-authored this blog. Who wouldn’t want a faster, more relevant search on their knowledge base? Improving search results is tricky. Organizations can spend a lot of time and money making small improvements to very complex, dynamic environments of information. When ServiceNow acquired an AI search technology company in 2020, we were thrilled to see an immediate return.

Yes, Open Source Is Sustainable

Two months ago, we announced our annual investment in open source maintainers, mostly folks whose work we depend on to deliver Sentry to you, plus a few research and hobby projects that our employees put on our radar. Two days ago, six of these maintainers joined us for a one-hour panel called “The Future of Open Source: Is It Sustainable?” I co-hosted with Jessica Lord, Product Manager of GitHub Sponsors.

The EPC-U3233 by Advantech gets Ubuntu certified to accelerate AIoT Applications

Canonical and Advantech have collaborated to help enterprises accelerate Edge AIoT Applications with Ubuntu 20.04 LTS certified on the EPC-U3233, powered by an 8th Gen Intel® Core™ i series processor. This compact fanless embedded PC facilitates data-intensive computing in IoT edge applications.

Log4j gets added to the code "wall of shame."

It seems that every few weeks, we are alerted to a new significant security issue within one of the plethoras of code elements that are widely used. The same pundits discuss the same range of concerns with open-sourced code each time. The list of “usual suspects” is long, and I know I could add at least 20 additional “reasons” to this list without thinking about it too hard. I’m not sure that open-sourced code is riskier than proprietary developed code. There I said it.

Canonical teams with Xilinx to accelerate the development of adaptive SoCs

December 14, 2021: Canonical and Xilinx Inc. announced today the publication of Ubuntu images optimised for Xilinx Zynq UltraScale+ evaluation boards and the production-ready Kria System-on-Modules (SOM). The companies are collaborating to bring enterprise-grade Linux to the world of adaptive SoCs to accelerate the development of new software-defined devices across all IoT verticals.

The Future of Open Source: Is it Sustainable?

Open Source projects are at the heart of most software that we depend on everyday. Community-supported volunteers work behind the scenes to make open source better for everyone, but it can be a thankless—and penny-pinching—job. Is it sustainable? Join us in a live virtual event with GitHub Sponsors to find out. We’ll showcase leading maintainers in the community and discuss the future of open source sustainability.

Bytecode transformations: The Android Gradle Plugin

This is the first part of a blog post series about bytecode transformations on Android. In this part we’ll cover different approaches to bytecode manipulation in Java as well as how to make it work with Android and the Android Gradle plugin. In the next two parts we’ll dive into the actual bytecode, bytecode instructions and how we can modify the bytecode and inject our own instructions, using Room as an example.

The 5 Biggest Internet Of Things (IoT) Trends In 2022

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a term that describes the increasingly sophisticated ecosystems of online, connected devices we share our world with. The slightly odd name refers to the fact that the first iteration of the internet was simply a network of connected computers. As the internet grew, phones, office equipment like printers and scanners, and industrial machinery were added to the internet.