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AWS outage leaves millions in the dark, points to need for better API monitoring

Millions of users of popular apps, such as Facebook, Ring, Alexa, Disney+, and more were left scratching their heads wondering when they would be back online due to a widespread Amazon Web Services (AWS) outage Tuesday. The outages were centered on a number of core AWS services in the US-EAST-1 Region, including increased API error rates with Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud and Amazon Connect, which handles contact center calls. — AWS Service Health Dashboard

Canonical joins Magma Foundation

We at Canonical, the company behind Ubuntu, are pleased to join hands with the Magma Foundation. Magma connects the world to a faster network by providing operators an open, flexible, and extendable mobile core network solution. Its simplicity and low-cost structure empower innovators to build mobile networks that were never imagined before. We decided to support this open source project because of our wider telco efforts.

Top 5 Machine Learning Trends to Look Out For in 2021

Almost everyone nowadays understands what machine learning is. Some of the most exciting machine learning trends in the coming years have the potential to completely transform our current social, industrial, and economic structures. Furthermore, the machine learning industry is rapidly expanding, opening up a plethora of opportunities for business expansion.

On AI Adoption, IT Teams Lag Far Behind Security Teams. AIOps Can Help

Security operations teams and IT operations teams share a lot in common. They have both spent the past decade grappling with systems that grow more complex every year and figuring out ways to handle ever-larger volumes of data. They also both face pressure to identify and remediate problems as quickly as possible – ideally, in real time. And they are supposed to do it all without breaking the bank.

PTC Kepware and InfluxDB: Collecting and Storing Your Automation Data

If you have worked in the automation sector for some time, it is likely you have come across or at least heard of PTC Kepware. They provide one of the largest connectivity suites for automation devices such as PLC’s easing the bridge between the OT (Operation Technology) and IT (Information Technology) world. The best part? You can store, transform and visualize this data using InfluxDB. This blog post will take you through the different ways of connecting your Kepware instance to InfluxDB.

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Service Mocks: Scaling a SaaS Demo with Traffic Replay

Building, running and scaling SaaS demo systems that run around the clock is a big engineering challenge. Through the power of traffic replay, we scaled our demos in a huge way. A few weeks ago we launched a new demo sandbox. This is actually a second generation version of our existing demo system that I built a few months ago (codename: decoy). Because the traffic viewer page shows the most recent data by default, you need to constantly be pumping new data in there. Any type of real-time SaaS system is going to have a similar requirement. So this needs to be planned.

Percepio Wins Coveted Elektra Award for Tracealyzer for Linux

Percepio®, the leader in visual trace diagnostics for embedded systems and the Internet of Things (IoT), has been awarded the prestigious Elektra Award 2021 for its visual trace diagnostics tool Tracealyzer for Linux. Tracealyzer for Linux was voted best product in the “Design Tools and Development Software” category by the jury, ahead of developer tools from five other companies, including Cadence and Synopsys.